Eclipse update!
Production Weekly has anounced on twitter that Eclipse will start start filming on August 17th-October 31st I'm already excited about it ;D
Picture of the day: june 30
I love this picture and I love the ray-bans ;)
Sorry guys that we've been slow with the updating lately, but the weather here is just wonderful and we're not used to that, so you can't just sit inside all day, can you? ;) and what are we girls supposed to do? we need some tan! ;D Anyway, we're doing the best we can :)
How adorable!

See more pictures over at JustJared

Put on a happy face ;D
Here's a funny picture of Jamie Campbell Bower from the Public Enemies premiere where he attended along with Johnny Depp, his costar from Sweeney Todd. What if everyone could be this happy all the time? ;)
You can find more pictures over at Socialite Life
Background actors of Twilight.
Ayanna Berkshire
Age: 32 "Twilight" role: Cora, waitress in the Carver Cafe
Claim-to-fame moment: Serving "Twilight" author Stephenie Meyer, who makes a cameo as a cafe customer
How she got the role: "We got the call that they were auditioning. I auditioned first for (Portland casting agent) Lana Veenker. My second audition was with (director) Catherine Hardwicke, who came to Portland for the auditions.
Catherine Grimme
Age: 7 "Twilight" role: Young Bella
Claim-to-fame moment: Appearing in ballet costume on video before the climactic battle between Edward and bad vamp James (Cam Gigandet)
How she got the role: "Well, I was kind of scared, because there were a lot of people auditioning, and I really wanted to get the part. I did the scene that I did in the movie, and then I did a few other things. I had to know the lines and stuff, and we had to make up some stuff. (Director Hardwicke) was really nice to me. She was awesome. My mom and dad read the books. I just had to read the sides (her lines) to see what kind of character Bella was."
Solomon Trimble
Age: 25 "Twilight" role: Sam Uley; in the film, identified mainly as Jacob Black's friend; in later books, a leader of a pack of Native American/wolf shape-shifters
Claim-to-fame moment: Ominously tells Bella that the reason Edward didn't come to a party at First Beach is because, "The Cullens don't come here."
How he got the role: "Catherine Hardwicke let me improvise, which I had cultivated doing poetry events. I remember I said something artsy-fartsy about the cold, and how you can be cold to the root of your soul. Now it sounds lame, but she said, ‘Wow, you can do this.' I didn't think they were looking at me for the role of Sam, but then they told me I got the role.
Read the whole article here.
Picture of the day: june 29
Kellan Lutz
Vision Awards
Picture of today: June 28
Today's picture is of no other then our dear Rob!
haha! This picture is so hilarious..
Sexy Stars of Twilight Scans
Elizabeth Reaser for Vouge!
Click on the pic's for larger view.

Mini's First time tonight!
Here's the describtion.

Mini's First Time - TV 3 - kl: 21:00
Amerikansk komedi från 2006. En mörk komedi om en rebellisk tonåring i LA. Utan att någonsin fått uppleva kärlek från sina föräldrar och med en mamma som misshandlar henne psykiskt, lever Mini efter devisen att man bör prova allt en gång. Oavsett om det är emot alla samhällets moraliska regler.En filosofi som för henne in i tvivelaktiga kretsar inom LA: s nöjesliv. Hon sluter en pakt med sin styvfar som går ut på att få modern ut ur bilden.
I'm sooo going to watch this! How 'bout you?

Remember Me filming day 6

Twilight game released: Scene it?
You can buy the game here ;)
Picture of the day: june 27

Ashley Greene

New book covers for Nm!

The second one is of Bella and Jacob, with Edward watching in the back (he looks scary, doesn't he? :O). This one will be released 15 September as a bit more exlusive shot. It also includes a fold-out poster!

We hope this reaches Sweden. If it does, will you buy it? And wich one?
I Know I'm duying to have this in my hands! I think I'll buy the Jacob one (I'm aaall team Edward. But this one seems more special..)

Mike talks about "car accident"
Anyways.. here's the video of Michael Welch talking a little about anything and the almost accident. Enjoy! :)

Bruno reveals his man-crush

New Interview from Cannes
I'ts soo good! Rob is always, super charming! (I really wonder if he know how supercute and charmig he really is..)
He seems so happy! I like that.

Click here. to vote for Robert.

Want vampirevenom in your purse?
it's like lipgloss but has "blood" in the bottom wich blends with the "venom" when it's shaken..
Sound..frankly a little creepy but still interesting.. to me, ofc.
Be transformed. Let the alchemy transcend.
This special limited edition Lip Venom is a sneak preview of our highly anticipated Twilight Venom, debuting this Fall. Lip Venom V is not your typical DuWop venom. Instead of a gloss, Lip Venom V is a shimmering crimson lip stain
suspended in a venom-laced liquid lip conditioner with a bite, and contains argan, avocado, olive oils and vitamin E.
This product should be shaken before use to represent the blending of the human and vampire worlds and applied repeatedly until lips are plumped, revitalized and the desired intensity of color has been reached.
Only a limited number of Lip Venom V have been produced. Vampires may live forever, but this offer won't.
The Lip venom has a current retail price of $16.99, but you can get an exclusive US weekly discount code for a special price
Unfortinanly it's only avilable to buy in the U.S.
Sucks to live in Sweden right now..
But you lucky US' readers should run off an buy it.. I know i would (just for the ownership of a limited Twilight thing.)

Sorry team Taylor's..
He's NOT on twitter says Rachelle.. And neither is Kristen, Rob, Ashley etc...
Those in the Twilight-cast who are on Twitter is Peter, Rachelle, Billy Burke, Gil, Jamie Bower and michael Sheen (Did I miss someone?)

Mornings with Kerri-Anne interviews Rachelle
Click on the picture to come to video.

Picture of the day: june 26
Peter facinelli
Win Peter's chairbacking!
You can enter the drawing for Peter's Twilight Chairbacking by clicking here.
will be chosen to win
Peter Facinelli's Twilight actor's chair as well as an iPod Touch.
Three runners-up will also win an iPod Touch!
Join 211(me), Peter Facinelli, and Affliction Clothing in L.A. on June
30th to watch the drawing of the winner. Details coming soon.
Should I be happy or sad?
I have to admit that any picture of Rob kissing (*picturing it* aawh......) Is hot. But i also have to admit that it sucks to see him kissing sombody else.. But i can control myself a little more if it was Kristen.
How do you feel about it all?

I'm wondering what they're doing in that last picture..?
You can find more pictures at Socialite

Rob wins a panda bear for Emilie in Remember Me
This looks like a cute scene from Remember Me where Rob and Emilie are filming at a carnival :)
You can see more pictures over at JustJaredJr
Southpark goes Twilight

Picture of the day: june 25
Rob :) No need for anymore words ;)
Ashley Greene gorgeous outtakes!
here are the outtakes of Ashley from the Nylon photoshoot. That girl is so darn pretty!! :)
Click for larger picture :)
More Remember Me filming

She'll take you to the candy shop.
Maybe she was sending it to Rob for the "almost accident"? heehe, you can always dream..

Mike talks New Moon
BLAST: So how was shooting in Vancouver different from Portland?
MW: Vancouver is one of my favorite cities, not only to film in but just to be in. I've shot a few different things over there over the past 10 years. I mean, Portland is great, there's some great poetry and a great book store up there, but Vancouver, there's just something about the way the city feels... That's just the differences in the city, the differences in the films themselves, I mean, totally different. By the time "New Moon" rolled around, we tried to keep it as big a secret as we could [our locations], but it was impossible because all it took was one person to spot Rob or Taylor on the street and in 20 minutes there were hundreds of people there and there was paparazzi there and you know, it was just much more of an ordeal.
BLAST: Speaking of Portland, are you going to be at the Twilight Vampire Baseball Event?
MW: Over the July 4th weekend? Yeah yeah, it's for charity, it's a Make-A-Wish event.
BLAST: And you've done charity work before. You did environmental charity right?
MW: I won some sort of environmental award for some reason a couple years back... I guess since I drive a Prius or something. I mean a made a couple of environmental videos.
The main charity I've been with is Kids with a Cause, and we're a multi-cause charity, but the ultimate goal is to help kids in need. We started out as a local charity, visiting like, orphanages, burn centers, etc. Now we're trying to go international and help kids that need some of the basic fundamental things in life so they can pursue their own happiness. It's been very rewarding
BLAST: So there's Team Edward shirts, Team Jacob thongs, even Team Tyler's Van merchandise -- any Team Mike stuff popping up?
MW: There has been a little bit of Team Mike that I've seen. I've seen a couple t-shirts, but it was mostly my friends making fun of me [laughs]. I do get people every now and then telling me they are on Team Mike.
BLAST: If you had to pick a side, would you really be Team Mike, or choose between Edward and Jacob? Or are you contractually obligated like I'm guessing Kristen is to be ambiguous?
MW: I actually... between Edward and Team Jacob, I'm actually Team Jacob. I like Edward, but I... and I think it's more of a gender thing more than anything else. I think Jacob represents more of a practical relationship, so I'd go Jacob -- but if there is a legitimate Team Mike that emerges, I will be happy to join it.
BLAST: Bella does some crazy stuff in "New Moon." Did you do anything so daring in high school?
MW: You know, [laughs] one thing that I used to do was go into the local high school with my car with my friend in the passenger seat and do really lame donuts and stuff and every now and then I'd get into little shenanigans like that. The most dangerous thing I did as a kid was, my grandma lived in the senior center, well not a senior center, more of a neighborhood. [Laughs] This is just so lame I can't believe I'm telling you, anyway, and kids weren't allowed to walk around unattended so my cousin and I would just walk around and avoid security.
BLAST: That's pretty bad ass.
MW: Oh now that I think of it -- when I was a kid, I actually grew up in a mobile home and there was actually what I later discovered to be meth lab right across from me. My neighbor and I would play cops and bad guys and we would spy on them and follow them around and stuff because we knew they were bad, but we had no idea.
BLAST: So has that ass shaking dance [from outside of the diner in "Twilight"] always won you the girls?
MW: Oh sure, that thing has followed me around like you wouldn't believe [laughs]. No, nothing like that ever seemed to work in real life. I was similar to Mike Newton in high school - I hope I wasn't that annoying - but that was my angle: "I'm the quirky guy, love me please." But that never quite worked.
BLAST: So you said at some point they almost didn't include the movie scene in New Moon? What's that about?
MW: You know it's a tricky thing when you try and turn a book into a movie because a movie is only two hours and there's only so much you can fit in, but yeah, what they originally did was they took that moment between Jacob and Bella and put it in a different scene of the movie. Luckily Taylor and Kristen lobbied that scene for me to Chris Weitz saying it absolutely had to be in, and it's a good scene. They weren't really lobbying for me, it's just, how can you not have that scene in there? Yeah, so I was really happy to hear that, and it was great for me because I got to do Mike's best scene in the book.
BLAST: Any secrets from the "New Moon" set? Like maybe Justin Chon is really diva?
MW: Well I can tell you that Justin Chon actually has 3 nipples.
BLAST: You're definitely making that up.
MW: Yeah. [Laughs] It's funny, because that's the thing everyone's looking for, something to say, but these are pretty uncontroversial people.
BLAST: I guess that's why pictures of the cast smoking cigarettes on set became some big scandal?
MW: Yeah, that's about as scandalous as it gets.

ClevverTv on Allure Photoshoot
Check it out!

Examiner interviews Jackson
Jackson Rathbone is a triple threat. An amazing actor, singer, and writer. Women can only imagine what Jackson might be looking for in a woman. Some might think that any woman he might take a second look at would have to be drop dead gorgeous. Wrong. Jackson opens up about his favorite features about women, dating advice, and how to seal the deal for a second date with him!
Gabrielle: What are qualities you look for in women?
Jackson: I look for a woman with a sincere smile and a love of the arts. I love being able to go out on crazy dates, like breaking into zoos after hours, so a woman who has a sense of adventure... but I also love a calm night of jamming on a beach at midnight with a bonfire, whiskey, and friends... so a woman who can hang in any situation and not get too clingy if I'm playing some music and spending time with my friends and family.
GC: In your opinion, what do men really notice about women?
JR: The way she carries herself. Many times, my friends and I will notice a girl who is beautiful, but just looks miserable in her demeanor. It's a turn-off. Life's too short.
GC: What is your ideal first date?
JR: Well, I live with the band I'm in, 100 Monkeys (, so I like to take a girl out to dinner alone, go for a walk and chat, and then come back to our "Monkey House" to see if she can hang with my friends/bandmates. If she's cool to jam some tunes with us, shoot nerf guns at my bandmates' heads, or at least not get offended when I pick up a guitar... then I know there'll be a second date.
GC: What is a total deal-breaker?
JR: If a girl is involved with another guy. I don't believe in the ideology of "if it's a different area code, it's not cheating," I think that's more of an "idiot-ology." Too many times I've been hit on by a woman with a ring (engagement and/or wedding), and it disgusts me, to be frank. Even if a woman has a boyfriend she is about to break up with... to me, it's wrong. I won't even consider flirting with a woman unless she is completely single.
GC: What is your favorite feature about women?
JR: Everything. I am a lover, not a fighter. I don't fuss over the fine points, I just love it all.
GC: How important is personality versus looks?
JR: I find the way that a woman walks, talks, and carries herself is more important to me than the way she dresses or make herself up. I don't care how gorgeous she is if she knows it and shows it off too much; that woman is far too ostentatious and superficial for me. One of our band's first singles is called "Ugly Girl" (available on iTunes) and it's about a woman who sacrifices her personality for looks. To me, that makes any woman ugly.
GC: What's sexier: A woman in a little black dress and heels, or a woman in sweat pants and a tank top?
JR: Depends what time of day. And where.
GC: In your opinion, what is the most important part of a relationship?
JR: Selflessness, honesty, and a healthy sexual attraction. I believe a sort of feral instinct takes place in any relationship that works... a sort of "pheromone cupid" strikes, if you will. From there, it's all about keeping it honest and selfless. It takes two to tango, right?
GC: What is the worst dating advice you have ever taken?
JR: "Say whatever she wants to hear." I forgot who told me that, but it's complete bull-shenanigans. Trying to be what she wants is a terrible idea. I try to find a woman who I can be myself around, and who can be herself around me. I hate when relationships change people, but it happens... sometimes for good and sometimes for bad, but when two people fall in love and are still the same people, that's true love. In my humble opinion.
GC: What first grabs your attention about a woman?
JR: Her eyes and her smile.
GC: Do you have any kind of hygiene regimen in the morning? Anything special you use on your skin, hair, etc?
JR: Haha! Nope. Just soap and water... I also brush my teeth with toothpaste, use deodorant, and I, occasionally, will shave.
GC: Do you prefer women with makeup or natural?
JR: Natural, mostly, but I've been known to be extremely attracted to the punk rock look. Though sometimes, it's a little too much and you can't tell how a woman will look when she wakes up; it's really about whatever makeup makes her feel more like herself and more comfortable with who she is, not the other way around. In other words, a woman who defines her makeup and doesn't let the makeup define her.
Blonde or Brunette? ---You forgot redhead.
Tall or Petite? ---In the words of Goldilocks, "just right."
Favorite eye color? ---I'm color deficient... I like eyes that smile.
Short hair or long hair? --- I don't have a preference, I guess... I've dated women with haircuts much shorter than my own and women with hair long enough to lasso the moon.
GC: Thank you Jackson!
JR: Thank you, Gabrielle!

Picture of the day: june 24

Rachelle Lefevre

Pics of Dakota and KStew on set of "the runaways"
Rob with his fight make up

.....And Kristen has turned into a rockergirl ;)

Rob has turned into a gangsta boy......

New NM book cover!

Rob gives the finger to the paps

Rob filming RM

Max photoshoot with Kellan and Cam
First of.. Kellan!
(click on the pics for larger version)

He looks pretty darn hot, right? :D
(click on the pics for larger version)

These ones are also really really sexy! I just don't get why he's smoking in pretty much every single shot?

The Last Airbender Tralier
Jackson has also made a short interview about filming New Moon.
"But as the films progress, you get deeper into
the aura of that mythical world that you establish with
the werewolves and getting more into
the vampire society and their legacy. It keeps getting deeper.
That's the great thing about being in
the TWILIGHT franchise: You get to grow with the story
and have the characters develop.
[When you're an actor in a standalone movie],
you only have two hours to develop your character.
But when you have three films, you get six hours.
It's like you can go anywhere and everywhere.
And that's a blessing as an actor."

Ashley and Marlow

The Runaways set

Night Scene for R.M
This time we have pictures from a night scene they're shooting in Remember Me for you.
I dont know if it's for the movie or if he's just really tired, but he looks like he could need some good sleep.
Doesn't suprise me.
We see new pictures of him working every single day.
He must be really exhausted.
I dont know if you noticed.. But isn't he wearing the same shirt as he did one of the first days of shooting?:
Is that Kristen?
I can't say I like the clothes because.. well.. I don't!
But it is afterall just a movie outfit and nothing she chose, so I can live with that!
You can surely see that they've but a lot of effort to make it look realistic.

Rob has been a naughty boy ;)
...but we have to admit that this is soo f-ing hot!
Every girl likes a badboy. You can't deny it.

For you who havent figured it out yet..
Yes, it is a scene from Remember Me.

Picture of the day: june 23

Edward Meets Buffy!

Vote at Tca!
But you have to sign an account there (like the Mtv Movie awards) nothing hard..
Twilight and it's cast are nominated in:
Movie Drama: Twilight
Movie Romance: Twilight
Movie Actor: Robert Pattinson
Movie Actress: Kristen Stewart
Movie Villan: Cam Gigandet
Movie Fresh Face Female : Ashley Greene // Nikki Reed
Movie Fresh Face Male: Taylor Lautner
Movie Liplock: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Movie Rumble: Robert Pattinson & Cam Gigandet
Album Soundtrack: Twilight
Male Hottie: Robert Pattinson
You can vote everyday. So you will, right? ;)
Pictures from the MMVA!

You can check out the rest of them here :)

Taylor and Rachelle at the Mmva!

Picture of today: 22 June

Today's picture is of no other then Bella and Edward! I love this picture.
I like that they're both smiling and happy.
And for you who didn't know, Edward's wearing gucci ;)

New NM pocket

I really like this one. I think it shows more emotions than the other poster.

We love the smile!
Maybe it's because he got to make out all day?! *control your anger. control your anger*
You've got to admit that he truly does have the most beautiful and cute smile in the world!

Hot even as a dork.
But we already knew Rob was good.
This is just evidence for those who had doubts.
(maybe we'll leave out the last picture.......)

Eclipse fan trailer

Edward and Bella barbie
I actually perfer these ones. I think they're more realistic looking an the others.
...And I like Edwards sparkles.

Back in action!
I had soo much fun but the last night we participated in some last-nightherewerefusetosleepinsteadofpartying-partying. It was awesome. But not so much at 10 o'clock. So when i got home i really couldn't even find the On button for my computer. But now I'm alert and here for all you!
what do you think? Did sofia do a good job?
I thought she made a greaty job anyways!

Cover your ears :O

Picture of the day: june 21

Taylor in Toronto

Some treat for you guys :)
Sorry people, but there really isn't much to update right now, so I thought I'd post four of my favorite videos :) First up is the famous "fuck" interview, followed by a video with gathered Rob Pattinson clips played to the song "womanizer". And after that you have 8 wonderful minutes to enjoy the much music interview with Rachelle and Rob. And last but not least, a "kristen and rob having fun"-video :) Hope this will compensate for the bad update. ENJOY ;D
"Richard is amazing". Yeah I know, we love Richard ;)

Twilight parody

Old/New Taylor wig interview :)

Rob Pattinson = cokeaddict ;)

You can see a lot more Rob pictures over at Splash News Online

Rob in theatre project

This is not a 100 percent deal, but in the fall of 2010, Rob is said to participate in a theatre project by David Pugh. The project is called Deathtrap and Rob will play the role of Clifford, a young student. A famous play that Pugh has produced is Equus, the one Daniel Radcliffe participated in and showed off his private parts ;P

Interview with Rachelle

"He's got a really good sense of humour. I've seen him frazzled, but when there were eight paparazzi chasing you and it's just you, it can be scary."
"It could have been bad," Lefevre admits. "But I think because Harry Potter went through it first to their benefit, we were like, ‘The Potter kids went through a director shift and they were okay, so we'll be okay too.'
A third transition will happen later this year in Vancouver when another director, David Slade (30 Days of Night), takes the reins of the next sequel Eclipse.
"It's perfect timing for David because Eclipse is darker than the other two. There's more action. It's not a horror movie, but it is darker."
Today we say happy birthday to no other than Edward Cullen himself! He was born on june 20th 1901, which makes him 108 years old today ;)

Picture of the day: june 20
The "picture" of the day will go to Rob, a.k.a Edward Cullen :) His laugh is just priceless ;D
Interview with Marcus Foster
For those of you who don't know, Marcus Foster is one of Rob's best friends, and he co-wrote "Let me sign" with Bobby Long, which Rob sang on the twilight soundtrack. RadarOnline has an interview with Marcus where he talks a bit about his best friend:
In an exclusive interview with singer/song writer Marcus Foster opens up about his upcoming American shows, how he'd like to tour with Rob Pattinson, and more importantly jokes about his obvious love for his vampire best friend! Twilight fans know that Marcus and Bobby Long co-authored the song Let Me Sign which Rob performed on the movie soundtrack, and that Marcus is part of the Brit Pack, those scruffy haired hot British guys who make up the inner circle in RPattz's life.
The musician tells that he almost cut off his thumb on Wednesday night:
"I was just making something in the workshop and my thumb went through this machine called a band saw, and it nearly took my thumb off. I've got a sculpture show I'm working on this week; I'm making some things for that. It's ok, it's fine I didn't need stitches or anything and it will heal but it just means I'm going to have to cancel this show I'm doing on Sunday. I've got to cancel it today. I could do it, but I can't take the risk of a long term injury."
We were first concerned about blood everywhere, and Marcus bravely says:
"Yes, it was quite horrific but it's alright. It's only pain," but we were clearly concerned with Edward trying to kill him for his blood
"Yeah, well, I don't think he is a vampire," the musician sagely tells us. "That is just a movie. Although, maybe he was, that's how he got the part!"
As for being best friends with the star, Marcus gets perks that regular folks don't get.
"Rob's showed me a bit of the script, I think it's the beginning where she cuts her thumb," he says, referring to Bella's birthday scene where she cuts her finger. So we want to know, was he just reenacting that scene?
"Oh yeah, my life is just reenacting Twilight scenes. It's mad!" he jokes.
Before he kicks off his American tour, Marcus tells that he's "going to New York as well in a couple of weeks to see my friend Rob which will be nice."
He doesn't know if he'll be hanging on set with Rob, but it sounds like they're just going to lay low.
"We're just going to chill out I think, I haven't seen him for a while."
Marcus didn't know about the craziness that is Rob's life since he's been in New York so when we told him about his buddy he said:
"Really? Wow, that's so weird. Well, we'll probably just stay inside the apartment and just drink, heavily."
As for the fame that's come to the stars, Marcus hasn't seen a change in Rob.
"Whenever I see him he's the same, which is great. You know, you see people who fame changes, but it's great, Rob is still the same old guy so it's really nice. "
Well, I'm glad to hear that the fame hasn't changed Rob. I bet we all are :)

The Hillywood show parody
The hillywood show has made a parody of new moon. I think it's genius! Check it out ;)

Beautiful Ashley!
Ashley Greene attended the Lakers Victory Celebration. And she looked absolutely gorgeous! As always ;) Love the shoes :)
You can see all of the pictures over at Twilight Online NL.
Ashley's advice to Rob
Good advice!

Hottness, hottness..Yippi-freakin-doo...
There are some new pics of Rob and Emilie filming a kiss scene in "remember me". Kinda feel upset when I see these pictures, and then I get mad at myself for being upset. It's weird though, how you don't feel sad (at least I don't) when you see him and Kristen kissing each other :P

If you're strong enough to check out the rest of them, click here ;)

Before I go I need som Heat!
Robert ofc!
They explain for all you who don't know what Heat index is;
The Index ranks celebrities according to the media exposure they've received. To do this, USA TODAY tracks their appearances in print, online and on TV by monitoring 12 entertainment news outlets. Each week, we note when a celeb appeared on a magazine cover or was among the top stories on a TV news report or a website. Points are awarded for each appearance based on the prominence of each outlet. Outlets tracked include TV's Entertainment Tonight, websites,, and x17online, and publications In Touch, Life & Style, National Enquirer, OK!, People, Star and Us Weekly.
Find out who's the hottest star each week with USA TODAY's Celebrity Heat Index.
It's kinda true though, right?
I mean in the last months Rob has been linked to Kristen Stewart (about 100 times back and forth), Emilie De Ravin, Eva Mendez, Ashley Greene, Camilla Belle, Natalie Portman, Emma Watson, Nikki Reed, Megan Fox, The blonde girl fron cannes and just yesterday: Michelle Trachtenberg! (I'm sure i forgot a dozen or two..)
So the media exposure is going trough the roof!
You can vote Here what you think of it all..
(love this pic! He looks so kind and sweet. haha)
SO I'm off on my "cruise". Two days with just my sister and me. It's gonna rock like hell! :D
Im gonna miss the blog very very much though.. Abstinent issues.
No doubt that Sofia's gonna do a so good job you won't even miss me!
Have a great weekend everyone and I'll be back Sunday Morning!
Entertainment Tonight

Why the sad face, RPattz? :( has some new pictures of Rob from the set yesterday. I bet he's still upset and chocked after the cab incident, which explains the sad face :(
Love the tie though :)
You can check out the rest of them here.
Picture of the day: June 19

Heads up!
Since I'm going away today with my family to celebrate midsummer's eve and Anna is actually on a cruise (buhuu we hate her ;)), we won't be able to update so much today. But I'm doing it now as much as I can, and I promise to update as soon as I get home!
Have a great day everybody! :)
Respect RPattz Campain
THIS is really good!!!
I'm glad there's someway we true fans can show our support!
If you have twitter, be sure to follow. It's for a good cause. Our beloved Robert ofc!
We can be first to say, supports the Respect R Pattinson Campain.
Interview with Taylor at the CFDA'S

If this continues, He'll get seriously hurt..
There are no more words then: Crazy Bitches!
He didn't ask for this. It's not his foult he's attractive either.. Im so mad there can't be explained.
This is so F*cking disturbing! witnessed the Twilight star get clipped by a
cab around noon in front of the Strand Bookstore on Broadway and 12th Street.
He was not hurt.
The 23-year-old London-born actor had been inside most of t
he morning filming scenes for his new movie Remember Me.
A team of five security guards were trying to fend off a crowd of t
eenaged girls when Robert was leaving the bookstore.
It was pouring rain as they tried to hustle him quickly across the
busy street to the safety of his trailer.
Some of the teen girls were hysterical and Robert rushed across the road.
As he did so, a taxi grazed him. The cabbie slammed
on his brakes as soon as he realized what had happened.
It appeared as if the cab hit Rob in the hip.
He stood there for a moment looking stunned.
The bodyguard next to him checked if he was okay and t
hen screamed and the fans: "You see what you did, you almost killed him!"
This CAN'T be happening!
In what has become a daily occurrence, Robert Pattinson was mobbed by female fans as he arrived on the set of "Remember Me" earlier today (June 18).
The "New Moon" hunk looked a bit frustrated as he struggled to make his way to the studio, relying on the help of security to break free.
In related news, Robert may have been bested by Chace Crawford in People magazines' Hottest Bachelor of 2009 poll, but he came out victorious in a Vanity Fair contest.Pattinson was named the most handsome man in the world in the magazine's online poll composed of over 270,000 readers' opinions.
This is what it looked like on June 15:
Look at him. Pulling his hair and all. Poor guy! And it might seem as if he is smiling, but clearly that's a smile of frustration and not happiness! I've said it before and I'll say it again...Crazy bitches!!
Official New Moon callendar
We've got a official picture of how the NM callendar will look like with an all new picture of the fantastic trio!

I really like the pictures, I just don't like how old they've made Bella look in this and the poster! she's 18 for gods sake! not 25.
..And for the rest, It looks freakin' amazin! Don't you think?
It will be releast around September this year... So keep your eyes open!

Dakota and the real Cherie
This time it's Dakota's turn to spend some time with one of The Runaways.
I can definantly see the potential for Dakota's transformation to become Cherie Curie
Btw.. look at Dakota's shoes! Holy Carlisle!
We don't really know what to think..
I also found this funny picture of Kristen and Dakota riding to a rehersal together..
Makes you really curious about what KStew is talking about, doesn't it?
More NM secrets!

Life&Style is really full of crap!
It's kind of funny to read these sometimes. some pepole have a very good imagination! :)
Click here to read the

Jackson and his "Girlfriend"

"I'm actually producing my first film this year called ‘Girlfriend,'" he says. "New director Justin Lerner kind of made a splash at a couple festivals last year with a short film he did."
Jackson is set to produce the movie along with one of his bandmates from their rock group, 100 Monkeys. A UCLA film school grad, Lerner's most recent short film, "The Replacement Child," screened at places like the Telluride Film Festival, the Los Angeles Film Festival and the Windrider Forum during Sundance.
While the 24-year-old didn't kick us any details about the film's plot or potential cast, he did talk enthusiastically about the chance both to produce and act in "Girlfriend." "It's an exciting time," he said. "I get to play a part in it and have a little bit more say behind the scenes, behind the camera, which is really interesting. It's what I've always really wanted to get into. I love film. I love the art behind it."
Excited? I know I am ;D-Sofia
Exclusive, exclusive! ;)
newmoonmovie has new exclusive pictures of gourgeous Taylor backstage at the CFDA :) here are two of them. I picked out the best ones ;)
If these weren't enough for you hungry twi-hards, you can check out the rest of them here ;)
Our buffboy now in New York
Our favorite buffy-boy arrived today at NYC and later made it safly to his hotel (seems like he hasn't been bitten by the RPattz crazy-bitches bug)
Is it just me or is he looking older everyday?
Not that we're complaining!
It's about the same time as Sofia's earlier post described!
Taylor article (also a bit about dear Rob)
He's one of the hottest young actors in Hollywood, and yesterday (June 17) Taylor Lautner was spotted arriving at his New York City hotel.
The "Twilight" stud looked hunky as he strolled past the paparazzi in a black and white striped shirt teamed with a pair of dark wash jeans and black sneakers.
In related news, Taylor recently confessed to having a crush on Megan Fox, saying, "It changed a lot. It used to be Jessica Alba for the longest time, and I'm kind of transferring to Megan Fox."
Unfortunately for Mr. Lautner, the "Transformers" babe has her eye on his "New Moon" costar Robert Pattinson. Megan revealed, "I mean, he's outrageously attractive- he's like a very pretty man."
Picture of today: 18 June
Enjoy, I know I do!

OK! Magazine
But because they aren't just writing really stupid BS, i suppose i can post it.. So here you go!
From OK!:
While Twilight superstar Robert Pattinson has no problem with going out with friends and enjoying himself just like any other agonizingly handsome 23-year-old, those close to R-Pattz tell OK! that the actor has turned off the party switch while he's shooting his new film, Remember Me, in New York.
"He really isn't a major partier," one friend of Rob reveals to OK!. "His work is very important to him and he doesn't go out and get wasted."
Adds the pal, with a laugh, "Now after the movie wraps up, that will be a different story!"
Robert's work ethic was definitely on display on the set Wednesday morning, as the crew shot scenes inside legendary NYC downtown bar Don Hill's. For the scene, he was joined by co-star Tate Ellington.
"It was a really short scene with two guys just talking at the bar," an on-set source tells OK!. "Rob looked like he had already rehearsed. He was really prepared and just there to do business."
R-Pattz did slip out of the bar a handful of times during the day to head back to his trailer for a break from the repetitive drain of shooting.
"Today went really well," says the source. "But it was a lot of the same stuff over and over."
Reeaally crazy
Since there's not so much to update, I thought I'd put up this really bad ass video. It's short interviews with the cast on the red carpet. This woman is nuts! I just love it ;D
New Moon Soundtrack
Clevver TV has a new video about the NM Soundtrack. By now, we all know that Paramore won't be in it (I'm a little sad about that because they're my favorite band even before Twilight, and i think the mood of their songs fits perfect with the movies..) And now they're saying that Kelly Clarksons song "Empty As I Am" will be in the movie...
To be honest, i Though it was great that the chose a little more non-famous bands for the Twilight Soundtrack. They were all so good and gave some other band a time to shine, Though it was an indie movie..
Remember Me set 18 June
Rob was seen on the Remember Me set as always in NYC. The poor guys now has more bodyguards + umbrellas to "shield" him from crazy fans.
You can see in the pictures that he's really uncomfortable..
He may not have crazy bitches pulling and jumping at him, but he certainlty doesn't have privacy.. Poor Rob.
I actually hope the hype around Twilight goes down a bit.
Because the same pepole will go and see the movie, the fanbase will still be there. It's just the crazy fans who won't think it's "cool" with Twilight anymore.
Wich I think everybody would be glad over!
Peace out!
Watch Nurse Jackie
If you don't have firefox (You need it to watch the one link at the site) just click on "Link 1" or "Link 2" over the vid!
Click here to watch Nurse Jackie Episodes 1 & 2.
Better quality extra interview
You know the EXTRA interview with peter i posted a couple days ago? With the crappy sound?
We've got a new better vid that you can actually HEAR what they're saying! :D
Peter's interview with Mtv
I though i just post the whole thing right here. So here you have it! (...It's pretty darn funny. I love Peter's ridicolous answers..)
If you have a Twitter account - or were thinking about getting one - the affable actor is asking you to follow him (@peterfacinelli.). With mere hours remaining in a wager that has swept across the Twitterverse, the "Twilight" actor spoke to MTV News about his unorthodox bet, whether we'll ever see him in a bikini and how one lucky fan can someday clone their very own Robert Pattinson.
MTV: How's it going, Peter?
Peter Facinelli: It's going good - but I need more Twitter followers!
MTV: Yeah, as of Wednesday morning [June 17], you're at 205,000. You're not even halfway there!
Facinelli: I know, man. I think Twitter's broken.
MTV: Explain the contest for us.
Facinelli: Rob DeFranco [@211me] is a friend of mine. He was at my house and saw the backing of my chair from "Twilight" - that piece of fabric that says my name and says "Twilight" on it. He asked if he could have it, and Rob is a betting man, so when I said no, he said, "Well, I'll bet you for it."
MTV: And how did Twitter get involved?
Facinelli: I had just joined Twitter, so he bet me that I couldn't get 500,000 followers in a week. I let the fans decide what Rob DeFranco has to do if he loses - and the sick and twisted minds of my Twitter followers decided that he'd have to dance down Hollywood Boulevard in a bikini singing [Beyoncé's "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"] with a sign that says "Twitter me." So I think I got the better end of that deal.
MTV: And if that happens, you're going to give away the chair back to a fan?
Facinelli: Yeah. The fans have been having fun with the contest, and I decided last night that if I'm going to lose this chair backing anyway, I'd rather have a fan get it than my friend Rob. So I threw in some incentive last night - if we hit 500,000 by Friday, then I'll give away the backing of my chair to one of my followers.
MTV: How will you decide who gets it?
Facinelli: I like riddles. I think I might do some kind of riddle, and the first person that posts the correct answer will win the chair backing. That sounds more fun than a raffle, right?
MTV: Yeah, and the Twilighters all want the back of your chair really badly.
Facinelli: Especially since Rob Pattinson sat on my chair. It has some RPattz sweat on it.
MTV: Oh God. The winner could hire some CSI guys to remove the hairs and DNA.
Facinelli: Definitely. One day, in the future, you might be able to clone Rob Pattinson if you own the back of my chair. That's all I'm saying.
MTV: What would Dr. Carlisle Cullen have to say about such a contest?
Facinelli: Carlisle likes a good game. I think he'd be excited. I think Carlisle would totally follow me. And he's got a good sense of humor - so he'd want to watch Rob DeFranco dance down Hollywood Boulevard in a bikini.
MTV: The Twilighters want to know what it would take to get you into a bikini.
Facinelli: Wow, I don't know. A man-kini or a bikini?
MTV: What's a man-kini?
Facinelli: A man-kini is those European thongs that men wear. It's like a Borat thing.
MTV: Whatever you feel comfortable wearing, Peter. You tell me.
Facinelli: You might spot me on some beach one day in a man-kini. Keep your eyes peeled.
MTV: Are the Cullens technologically advanced? Are there "Twilight" moments we don't see in the books with them Tweeting each other?
Facinelli: Oh, for sure. Look at the cars that they drive. They're pretty up-to-date in the world. They have so much time on their hands - I think Carlisle would totally have a Twitter page.
MTV: If people are reading this on Friday, can they still make a difference?
Facinelli: Absolutely. The bet ends at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, and Friday is "Follow Fridays," so I'm hoping to get some hits there. If Rob loses, we all get to see him do the bikini dance - I'm definitely going to put that on YouTube. That would be too classic - and all 500,000 of my followers get to watch that.
MTV: You played Mike Dexter in "Can't Hardly Wait." Is it safe to assume that, if you don't win this contest, you'll kick the asses of everyone in this room?
Facinelli: Definitely.♥
How cool is that?!

So now we can say that Kellan is bounded to us, whether he wants to or not ;)
Another Jackson interview
Watch out Robert Pattinson - there's another musical talent in the "Twilight" family. Jackson Rathbone-a.k.a vampire Jasper Cullen - is making a name for himself on the music scene with his band 100 Monkeys, and there's a chance they might make an appearance on the "New Moon" soundtrack.
"We'd love it," Rathbone told MTV News. "[But] we're not really pushing for it," he said.
"It's one of those things where if they want to put our song on the album, I'm not going to complain."
The 24-year-old describes his band's sound as "old school rock and roll," that is heavily influenced by blues and funk.
"It's not whiney music," he added.
After the jump, the actor talks about his now-famous scene in the "New Moon" trailer and working with director Chris Weitz.
Rathbone doesn't let his music get in the way of his acting, though.
"Whenever I'm working on the ‘Twilight' movies, I work all day on the film and then I go and rehearse with my band at night,"
said the Singapore-born actor.
Speaking of "Twilight," Rathbone said that if fans were excited by the recently unveiled "New Moon" trailer, they will be blown away by the full-length film.
Read the rest here.
Rob's character gets all beaten up

It's awful to see him with that make-up though :(
On set with Rob
By the way, in the end you can see the crazy bitches. Jeezz...
maybe we should name one of our categories Edward Pattinson huh? or what do you think? ;)
Interview with Joan Jett and Kristen
Rock chicks: Kristen, 19, and Joan, 50, have been practising The Runways music in a studio
Kristen said: 'I'm just listening to her music all the time. I'm trying to just make myself aware of the time period and what she was going through.
'It's one of the most immense responsibilities to play a real person. Her story's important. It's an incredibly triumphant feminist story really.
'She's the first woman to ever start her own record label. So many people know her as just being like one of the coolest people to ever live. That in itself is one of the most intimidating things that I've ever had to confront but she's so cool too.'
Joan is equally enthusiastic about Kristen: 'When her hair is cut and with the right make-up, Kristen should make a really good me.
Getting ready for the part: Kristen had dyed her long brown black and had it cut into a mullet
'She sounded great and played well (on the guitar). She has the passion for it, which you can't really be taught.'
The pair originally met over New Year's to discuss the film before Kristen was formally cast in the role.
The film also stars former child actor Dakota Fanning, 15, as The Runways's teenage frontwoman Cherie Currie, who was the same age as the actress when the group formed.
Joan was just 17 when she formed rock group The Runways with Cherie, Sandy West, Micki Stelle and Lita Ford in 1975.
The group went on to enjoy several hits during their five years together including Cherry Bomb and Queens of Noise.
After the Runways split in 1979 in a row over money and management, Joan formed her own band Joan Jett And The Blackhearts the following year.
Among her hits was the iconic I Love Rock And Roll, Crimson and Clover, I Hate Myself For Loving You and Little Liar.♥
Totally random
This clip is really funny. Twilight scenes with different voices and sounds. Enjoy!
NM trailer in HD at apple.
You kan now download the New Moon trailer to your ipods and iphones från apple!
Click here to get to the page!
Rob in Swedish Metro!
We posted an interview with Robert that was done for Now you can find it (translated) in todays Swedish Metro! I just found out about the article, and therefore the late update. sorry about that.
We've heard from sources that it also includes a short edition with Kristen..
Hottest bachelors

I don't know about you, but I think that this man deserves a hell of a lot more than a 10th place!
And THESE are two of the guys before him? A mountain of muscles and a plastic surgery doll face? Give me a break!

Kellan goes cowboy!
They talk about mustaches and (?)
Check it out here.

Rob feels like he's going to cry
Due to all the pressure and fame that has gotten to Rob, this is what he told People Magazine:
"It's a really emotional experience when people are screaming at you all the time," the Twilight star, 23, told about the fan frenzy that follows him. "When I was in Italy, all these people started screaming in this bookshop. Your immediate reaction is you feel like you're going to start crying. It's so not how I thought I would react. When people are pressing loads and loads of energy, you can kind of feel it. It's overwhelming."
I feel so bad for him!
Source: ROBsessed
Ashley and Adrian, true or not?
These gossip tabloids are just begging for one of the cast members to be seen with a random person so that they can start some crazy ass rumor..
I think I'll wait until i see something more then a picture of two pepole sitting next to each other..
But for the rest of you, here's a video i from E! news that i found!
Rob's 30 sexiest stares!
And for that they've made this video and it's hilarious and super sexy at the same time!
If there's one thing im sure about it's that Robert Pattinson has the Sexiest. Stare. Ever.
We like!
Check it out here!
New Little Ashes trailer
Here's a new trailer of Little Ashes. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the movie yet, since it's not available here in Sweden. Have you seen the film? And did you think it was good? Please leave a comment ;)
NM opening for The Proposal
The New Moon teaser trailer will be shown before The Proposal!
It is possible that this will go down in Sweden also, cause The P is shown here too... So if any of you readers go and se the movie, be sure to let us know! We're dying to know!
PS! Is it the official trailer or the teaser? Don't get me wrong, im glad it's shown. But don't they usually show the offical instead of the teaser?
Maybe it's so popular they're going to show both!! heehe.
Rachelle is on Twitter!
Now it's Rachelle's turn (even though her name is misspelled... kinda fail.. It's def her!)
So if you got a twitter account, be sure to follow her. If not? It's reaally easy to get one!

Another reason you should follow Peter's Twitter.
He has now made a change in his bet! If he wins, he will GIVE his actors chair to on lucky follower!
sounds nice? Follow Peter's twitter here!
Check out the video he made for more info
Picture of the day: June 17

Who knew?
I love how their faces acctually looks like they're saying what's written.. And who knew that when we watched The goblet of fire that Daniel's.. thingy.. would be all over the web and that we would be sitting and obsessing about Rob?
(Confession time, guys.. I aaacctually didn't know that Cedrics name was Robert Pattinson and etc at the time... In my defence i was like..12? But I diiid think he was pretty damn hot at least! Just sayin'...)

If there ever will be a Twilight Simpsons-episode..
...Then this is how they should look like!
HAHA! I laughed so much when i saw this picture! Maybe it helps because it's 3.07 am here in sweden. But somone really has too much time on her/his hands...
PS! the couple in the middle is suposed to be Edward and Bella. I thought it was Esme and Carlisle at first, and kept looking for our beloved Lion and Lamb. But then it hit me..
Just thought you should know (even though you're probably not as slow as I am.. :P)
Shock till you drop!
Before trying to get more details about the sequel New Moon out of the young actor, we asked Rathbone to talk about the experience of making the first film before things got so crazy.
"The first film, it was one of Summit's first films. I think it was actually the second films they produced, the first being ‘Never Back Down.' It felt like a bigger budget indie film.
We were all kind of making this movie together, and the way Catherine Hardwicke directs, it's really a fun vibe that was on set. It was a little stressful because as we kept filming, the press kept getting more of it and the fans kept being more into it.

All these websites started popping up, and all these things. It was amazing. It was like, ‘Oh, wow, this is going to be something else!'
We started making this movie and people are already loving it and it's not even out yet. It has six months to come out and they're already lining up in the movie theaters. That was an experience in and of itself. I wasn't really prepared for it, but I was really thankful for it, because they're so supportive of what we do. As an actor, you need an audience."
He then talked about the major differences with the production on the sequel.
"We have a bigger budget, we have a little more pressure to keep that feeling going, but the nice thing is that you're delving more into the story now with ‘New Moon,"
He said. "As the films progress, you get deeper into the lore and they mythical world you're establishing with the werewolves and get more into what the werewolf society and legacy is. It keeps getting deeper."
We wondered if he noticed a big difference with the vibe on set having a new director with Chris Weitz replacing Hardwicke and with the added pressure of making a sequel to such a big hit.
"Whenever we got back to film ‘New Moon,' the first day I was back, all the cast was hanging out in Peter Facinelli's room and it was just like a family reunion. It was like we'd been away for a month; it didn't seem like a year. It was just really nice to kind of get back together and have that family environment. In terms of having a new director, nothing really changed too much. It was just a different subtle vibe, because the director manages the energy on set. It was great. We all wanted to come together and make another great piece of art for the fans. It's really about what they want to see, because they're the ones buying the tickets."
He did say that the recent trailer didn't show the entire scene of him getting thrown into the piano, but that he did get to do a lot more of his own stunts in the movie.
"That's only the beginning of it. They didn't show the entire thing. It's gonna be a really action-packed movie."
A really good interview, huh?
Interview with Peter!
He talks about NM, Nurse Jackie and about the famous bet at his twitter account!
Check it out!
Top Ten BD-Edward Quotes
Edward is always funny without trying to make a joke. wich is in my opinion the most funny you can be.
I'm glad that #1 was picked as #1, because under those circumstances and the time it was really funny!
I literally Laughed Out Loud ..
10. "I'm sure you're dying to see the closet. Or, at least I'll tell Alice that you were, to make her feel good." (Page 480)
9. "As far as Charlie knows, you're the most repulsive monster of us all." (Page 504)
8. Did you want to stay in the country? Or were you planning to continue on to Canada this afternoon? (Page 414)
7. "Why don't you just tell me who wins?" (Page 472)
6. "It goes against the grain, letting you wrestle with lions. I was having an anxiety attack the whole time." (Page 423)
5. "You're awfully small to be so hugely irritating." (Page 71)
4. "Stop fidgeting, Bella. Please try to remember you're not confessing to a murder here." (Page 13)
3. "So you seduced your all-too-willing husband. That's not a capital offence." (Page 110)
2. "Oh, for the love of all that's holy!" (Page 28)
1. "I bit a pillow. Or two." (Page 89)
RPattz receives the finger
Before you start hyperventilating, it's not real. This is a scene from "Remember me". Rob's character seems like a bit of an asshole right? can't wait! ;D
You'll find more pictures over at ROBsessed
"In the face!"
Anna and I love this interview so I just had to put it up. This is one of the (according to me) most hilarious interviews they've ever made. Enjoy! ;)
Hug attack!!
Lucky Stanislav! :(
Twilight quiz
Mr. Pattinson on set
Peter's Twitter bet!
And we all can only guess how much that chair means to him!
I checked before, and he doesn't even have 200 000!!
SOO COME ON EVERYBODY! let's follow Peter! :D
you can do that here.
Here's also a veeery funny video of the bet!
This is super cute!
I found this vid over at lion & lamb, and thought it was sooo cute!
So it's about a 4 year old girl who is explaining Twilight.
Twilight is taking over even in the baby-world!
There's still a little hope left in this world
Ok, so not all fans are crazy bitches. This is a story from Brayndi who ran into Rob yesterday:
"I totally agree with all the comments made about the lack of respect that was shown to Rob yesterday while filming. I am an NYU student and I was there before I had to go to one of my classes, and the pandemonium was even more intense that the pictures or video make it out to be. I am a fan of Rob myself, but I understand that he is WORKING and isn't some circus side show for people to oogle at. I stayed behind the barricades and watched from where the producers told us to. But some of those girls, and I did see the "girls" that made it into the video, were relentless. Every time that he was minutely unprotected they rushed him to try and get autographs and pictures. It was disgusting.
When it was time for me to go to class I walked into the building where most of NYU's classrooms are and just happened to see Rob standing by the elevators apparently trying to escape the craziness outside. (They were also using the building for other movie purposes as well) I approached him very nicely and ASKED him if I could take a picture with him and he was more than nice. He asked me if I went to school at NYU and told him I was actually on my way to class. I commented on the hysteria outside and he laughed. So I hope that I was able to show him that not all fans are as batsh-t crazy as the ones that were mobbing him."
I'm glad that there are still some fans left who aren't complete nutcases (including me and Anna).
Source: Twicrack addict
Feel like crying...
Sorry, everybody, there's been a mistake. Apparently the pictures of Rob sitting down is from a scene. But we still know how he feels about all of this. All of our love goes to you, Rob <3

Mouthwatering på engelska!
Sofia och jag har länge tänkt på att skriva bloggen på engelska. Dvs. att våra inlägg kommer vara på engelska. Det tycker vi är bra eftersom att de flesta svenskar kan ju engelska. och dessutom så kan våra Engelska läsare också följa bloggen!
Det här tänkte vi testa ett tag nu. Så nu framöver kommer våra inlägg skrivas på engelska. Om vi håller det så är fortfarande osäkert. Beror på hur det går et.c.
Hoppas ni tycker det är bra!
Top Twilight Blogs
Det är bara att trycka på den lilla rutan under vå "Presentation" och rösta vad du tycker om vår blogg! :)
tack på förhand!
Dagens Bild: 16 juni
Älskar denhär bilden. Båda ser så glada ut! Det är så skönt att se två som jobbar tillsammans är varandra så nära, som bröder..

Finns inga ord..
Ibland undrar man verkligen vad i helvete dessa personer tänker med. Ingen vettig människa kan göra så mot en annan.
Rob ler ju igenom allt som vanligt, men man ser ju på stackarn ansikte att han bara vill därifrån!
Det har gått för långt om han inte ens kan gå på en gata utan två bodygards och ändå så följer 20 pers efter och jagar honom!
Bilder finns här.
Kan inte äns lägga upp dom. Man blir bara så ledsen när man ser någon man bryr sig om lida så jävla mycket av att några idioter inte kan tänka!
(förlåt för det grova språket, men det fanns verkligen inget annat sätt och säga det..)
ETonline clip + MMA kyss
Världens snyggaste man!
Nu vart det officiellt!
Rob är världens snyggaste man (som om vi inte redan visste det ;D)
Häromdagen vann han Vanity Fair's Poll "The Most Handsome Man In The World" där man kunde rösta på vem man tyckte var snyggast. Rob vann med 51%, vilket är väldigt mycket eftersom det fanns mer än 10 personer man kunde rösta på.
Efter honom kom Nacho Figueras (13%) Brad Pitt (12%) och Johnny Depp (7%)
Så man kan nog säga att Rob vann ganska hands down ;)
Inte så konstigt när man kollar på honom..
"Joan Jett" & Joan Jett

Taylor på CFDA Fashion Awards
Finns inget snyggare än snygga killar i kostym, håller ni med mig?

Teen choice awards '09
Vår älskade Twilight-cast är nominerade i 12 katergorier(!!) på Teen Choice. Tvivlar inte att det kommer vinna massa och kanske i alla kategorier. Med tanke på att de vann i MMA och där var dom emot stora filmer som Slumdog M, och dessutom så får bara folk med ålder 12-19 rösta på Teen Choice, och det är ju där fanbasen ligger! :)
Tyvär kan inte vi i Sverige rösta, men vi får hoppas att de vinner ändå!
Här är kategorierna de är nominerade i.
Movie Drama: Twilight
Movie Romance: Twilight
Movie Actor: Robert Pattinson
Movie Actress: Kristen Stewart
Movie Villan: Cam Gigandet
Movie Fresh Face Female : Ashley Greene // Nikki Reed
Movie Fresh Face Male: Taylor Lautner
Movie Liplock: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Movie Rumble: Robert Pattinson & Cam Gigandet
Album Soundtrack: Twilight OST
Male Hottie: Robert Pattinson
Rob: Universums sexigaste man
Inför filminspelningen tvingades en missnöjd Rob att uppleva pincettens grymma hårborttagningsmetoder. Vanligtvis har han dock tjocka ögonbryn som ger uttryck för klassisk manlighet.
Ja. Ni såg ju själva i förra veckans Klick!
Passande nog har Rob blodröda läppar med ett kyssvänligt plut som skulle få många att ställa sig på rad för att få smaka på
Med ett välmarkerat käkben är filmstjärnan som skulpterad till perfektion.
- Han har vad alla män önskar att de hade, säger Sam Doerfler.
Med dessa ögon borde det finnas en livboj i närheten, med tanke på alla som drunknat i skådespelarens själfönster.
- Rob har underbara käkben. De är väldigt proportionerliga,
säger säger modellmanagern Sam Doerfler till Life & Style.
Party med HP-gänget ;)

Twilight News har fler bilder på Rob när han är ute med andra kompisar. Klicka här för att se dom
Life & Style intervju: Alex Meraz
Tidningen Life & Style hade för ett tag sedan en intervju med superheta Alex Meraz som spelar varulven Paul. Vi har lagt upp den här nedanför. enjoy ;)
Rob's stuntman Paul
Hittade en jätte intressant video där man får se när Rob's stuntman Paul (han som Rob ger cred till på MMA när han vinner bästa fight med Cam) kommer in.
Jag tyckte iallafall att den här videon var väldigt rolig och kolla på!
Har också en nygammal bild på Robert i Edward kläder tillsammans med Paul i exakt samma kläder. Tror dock nog ni redan sett den här bilden..

Dagens bild: 15 juni
Idag grattar vi Elizabeth Reaser som fyller 34 år!! därför får hon även pryda dagens bild =)
intervju med David Slade
Vad kommer vara annorlunda med Slades Twilight?
"Jag vet inte riktigt. Vi har inte ens börjat filma."
Medan regissören säger att han har en grundidé över vad han vill göra med filmen, så är han mer bekymrad över att berätta en bra historia än att vara "annorlunda".
"Den är mörkare och innehåller mycket mer action än de två tidigare",medger han. "Den tredje boken är från Bellas perspektiv, men filmen kommer vara mer objektiv." Och frågan är bara hur vi ska göra det? "Vi kommer fokusera på ursprungsberättelserna om flera karaktärer, som t.ex. Jacob, och visa hur Bella väljer mellan Edward och Jacob.
David läste inte böckerna förrän studion var intresserad av att ta in honom - Sedan gjorde han sin läxa. "Det var tufft för en medelålders man att komma in i det ," medger han, "Eftersom dom är skrivna för 15-åriga tjejer. Men efter jag kommit förbi det, Så upptäckte jag att de var väldigt bra, en bra historia." Han är speciellt upprymd över Dexters manusförfattare/producent Melissa Rosenberg. Just nu är dom fortfarande i för-produktion, med planer att börja filma senare i år.
Chelsea om Rob
Sexy tiger!
Dagens bild: 14 juni
Både jag och Sofia gillar henne som person och skådespelare väldigt mycket, och tycker att det är så himlans synd att folk ska glömma bort henne lite.

Ännu en intervju med Rob ;)
Nygammal Twilight-intervju med Rob
Hittade en gammal intervju med Robert som hölls på the set of twilight (Sofia och jag har suttit i timmar och verkligen försökt hitta ett annat ord för set, men det är minst sagt omöjligt. plus att set låter bättre!)
Har inte sett den här förut, så den är ny för oss!
Kellan Lutz i ny photoshoot
(klicka på bilderna för större format)

fler bilder finns här.
Extended New Moon Set visit
Sorry om rubriken är på engelska men kom inte på någon passande på svenska =)
Rob i Japan!!

Det finns fler bilder. Dem hittar ni här
Ashley Greene intervju
P.S. Om ni inte vet det än, så har Emma Watson ALDRIG hävdat att Rob och Kris skulle vara ett par. Hela den storyn var påhittad.
Dagens bild: 13 juni

That's the first night I dreamt..of Rob Pattinson
ok allihopa nu tänkte jag att jag (Sofia) skulle berätta om en dröm jag hade i natt? Har skrivit om den till en berättelse. Den var riktigt verklig!
Vi befinner oss på en bar i New York. Jag är där med en vän och Rob är även där med sin vän Sam. Dom har precis uppträtt på scen. Killen som jobbar på baren går upp på scenen och frågar publiken vem dom tycker mest om. Alla skriker självklart Rob i munnen på varandra.
När det blir tyst så skriker jag SAM!! alla vänder sig åt mitt håll (inklusive Rob och Sam) och dom ler båda mot mig. Syftet med att skrika sam var ju såklart att fånga robs uppmärksamhet. Smart va? ;) Kvällen fortsätter i allafall och alla har jättekul. på andra sidan av lokalen står rob och blinkar mot mig. han kommer sedan fram och bjuder mig på en drink.
Efter någon timme börjar vi gå mot hans hotell och möter några paparazzis på vägen. Beskyddande ställer jag mig framför Rob och frågar vad dom vill. jag frågar om det alltid har varit deras barndomsdröm att förstöra andras liv och bli jobbiga paparazzis. Vi lyckas i allafall skaka oss av dom och fortsätter mot robs hotell där han har en lyxsvit. och när vi kommer upp häpnas jag över synen som väntar mig: Hundra andra tjejer. Vad är det här för snubbe tänker jag. Jag blir förbannad och tänker att jag inte vill vara en i mängden som han ska playa. Så jag slår till honom och går därifrån. Senare visar det sig att han har playat runt för att dränka sina sorger över obesvarad kärlek: Kristen Stewart.
Nån månad senare får man i allafall reda på att han fått sin Kristen och att dom mår bra tillsammans.
Bra story va?!
P.S. det var inte första gången jag drömde om honom, tyckte bara att rubriken passade bra ;D
Peter's last words
Ni kan läsa hela här på bloggen, eftersom den är hyfsat kort.
Last Time I Said "I Love You":
To my wife this afternoon.
Last Romantic Thing I Did for Jennie:
We went out to lunch together on a nice little romantic date.
Last Time I Lied:
I don't remember. There, I just lied right now.
Last Text I Texted:
Let me see. Hold on. [checks] Rob Pattinson. I said, "I'll see you in a little bit." He's in NYC.

Last Time I Was Starstruck:
When I met former New York Governor George Pataki. I don't really get starstruck by actors, but Pataki was a governor! I grew up in New York. That was kind of a big deal.
Last Meal Before I Die:
Jesus! I hope you don't know something I don't. So many foods... I don't know why but a hamburger keeps popping to mind.
Last Time I Cried:
Wow. The last time I cried was when - what's that singer's name who didn't win America, err, Britain's Got Talent? When Susan Boyle didn't win. Because she should've won, dammit!
Stephen får Robs rester
Så vad tycker ni om att Rob inte fick rollen i True blood? jag tror nog att det var bra, för om han hade fått den så kanske han inte hade varit med i Twilight ;)

Nya/Gamla bilder på Rob
Dessa bilder är från November men den första bilden har jag i allafall aldrig sett. Det blev mycket Rob idag som ni kanske märker men det är ju bara för att han är så dreamy ;)
Fler bilder hittar ni på ROBsessed
Ny bild på Rob
Han ser jättesnygg ut, eller hur? Den där blicken känner man igen när som helst, var som helst.

Robert i Metronews
för att läsa hela, tryck här.
How is the filming going?
It's great. To be honest, I am surprised at how relaxed it is. I was really nervous before we started because there's so much expectation now. But with this team, everything seems to work really well. Everyone knows each other. It's one of the most relaxed jobs I've ever worked on. It's really strange. It's going really well so far.
Last time we spoke, you told me that you still walked in the street without anyone recognizing you. I'm assuming that's changed now.
I don't walk in the street anymore, and when I do, I'm in disguise. (laughs) It's actually a relief being back at work.

Dagens bild: 12 juni

en av de snyggaste bilderna på Rob, jag nåågonsin sett. yummie.
Rob driver med paparazzi
New moon behind the scenes
Rob ET
Ikväll (i USA) Kommer ett klipp visas med Rob där han bland annat driver med Paparazzis. Tror att den kommer vara jätterolig, så håll ögonen öppna! eftersom det är mitt i natten här i Sverige då så kommer vi självklart att kolla runt imorgon det första vi gör, och vi kommer också lägga upp klippet på bloggen.
Twilight blöja!

Bella's födelsedags tårta!
nu kan du göra din egen kända "Bella Tårta" från NM!
InStyle har en liten artikel som visar hur du ska göra, men tyvär är den på engelska. Texten är inte så svårläst så jag hoppas ni alla förstår!
1. Cover each cake tier with a "mask" of white fondant [a thick, malleable icing]. Stack tiers from largest to smallest.
2. Separate one package of fondant into 5 batches. Use food coloring to tint each batch a different shade of green.
3. Roll each batch of fondant into a thin sheet and cut into strips of varying width.
4. Attach the strips around each tier using stiff royal icing as glue.
5. Place red, yellow and green Gerbera daisies around the bottom of each tier.
5 hemligheter från Casten
Här är några. För att läsa resten, tryck här.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Have Hidden Talents
"Rob's an incredible guitarist and vocalist. [And] Kristen can really play guitar," reveals Jackson Rathbone, 24, who plays vampire Jasper Hale. "They're really multi-talented artists."
In fact, the cast's musical interests helped the everyone bond, says Rathbone, a member of the band 100 Monkeys: "Rob Pattinson and Kristen and Nikki [Reed] would do a lot of jam sessions, and Kellan [Lutz] and Ashley [Greene] and Peter [Facinelli] would all hang out in the hotel room and play music and hang out on the set."
Kristen and Rob Have Chemistry - On and Off Screen
The pair - who play a couple on screen - were seen smooching in Vancouver recently, but their cast mates insist there is no hot-and-heavy romance - yet, anyway.
"Obviously there's chemistry: They're Bella and Edward!" says Justine Wachsberger, 24, who plays vampire sympathizer Gianna in the film. But "they just seem like great friends."
Rathbone adds that whenever the cast is together, Pattinson and Stewart "didn't treat each other any differently .

Modeanalys av Mtv Movie Awards
Clevver TV har gjort ett litet klipp som sammanfattar Twilight stjärnornas kläder under Mtv Movie Awards.
Vad tycker ni om klippet?
Taylor i Metronews
Taylor Lautner har gjort en ny intervju med MetroNews (samma tidning som hade intervjuen med Ashley jag skrev om lite tidigare...)
Han pratar om filmningen av New Moon och såklart lite om hans personliga liv.
Älskar intervjuer med Taylor, han bjuder på sig själv utan att säga saker som är för personliga och kan bli uttnyttade.
Q. How is it back on set?
A. It's good. I'm really excited to be back with the whole team again and our new director, Chris Weitz. It's been a lot of fun so far and the movie's looking great, so I couldn't ask for more.
Q. And you have a huge role this time...
A. It's a little bit bigger, yeah! It's exciting because I'm excited to bring alive the new Jacob Black for the fans.
Q. You look like an '80s rock star with your long hair!
A. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't recognize myself. It's an actual wig. It's glued to my head in the front and it gets itchy sometimes. You can see the lace if you look close, but it doesn't come across on camera. It gives me a totally different look. I don't even look like myself. But it's fun.

Q. The biggest change is in your body though. You gained 30 pounds of muscle for this role, is that right?
A. I did, yeah. When I was filming Twilight, I knew where my character was going in the rest of the series, so obviously I knew I had some work ahead of me! So as soon as I stopped filming Twilight, I got back home, hit the gym and worked very, very hard, and here I am filming New Moon, 30 pounds heavier.
Q. And doing your own stunts.
A. So far. Let's not jinx it, but basically you get an evaluation at the beginning of filming. They took me to a gymnasium to see what I could do. They put me on some dirt bikes to see how well I can do. I think they're just figuring out how much they're actually going to allow me to do. So far, I've been able to do everything, so I'm hoping that doesn't change too much, 'cause the stunts are a lot of fun.
Ni kan läsa resten Här.
Vad tycker ni om artikeln?
Har ni någongång undrat hur Taylor såg ut i fyran?

Visst är han hur söt som helst?
Han har fortfaranade kvar samma busiga leénde ;)
The Runaways nya medlemmar funna!
Nämligen att Alessandra Torresani kommer spela Lita Ford och Stella Meave kommer spela trummisen Sandy West!
Vad tycker ni om Rollbesättningen?

Lita (Alessandra) Sandy (Stella)

Joan (Kristen) Cherie (Dakota)

Ashley Greene doesn't bite (yet)
Båda är jättebra och jag tycker verkligen att bilderna på Ashley är grymt snygga!
On the Twilight cast: "We get along really well," she says of her co-stars, who are all confirmed through at least a third movie. "And thank God! Can you imagine going back over and over if we didn't?"
On Rob Pattinson's fame: "Oh God. Poor Rob is already a Beatle. His whole life is documented. If he picks his nose, it's all over the Internet. He's just done for. I think he's kinda freakin' out, like, 'What the fuck is going on?'"
Resten finns Här.

Jätte vacker, eller hur?
Kristen i Metronews intervju

What are the changes in this second installment? Your character Bella takes risks again...
Well, she loses what basically gives her the drive to do anything in her whole life. She loses the man she's in love with, but she also loses her entire life plan, and she's so young to have to be forced into a decision like that. It's just a glorified, elaborate version of the worst breakup you've ever been through. All of a sudden you question everything. All of a sudden you know nothing and you're dropped in the middle of a freezing cold ocean.
Oddly, we have a character that's warm enough and bright enough to bring her out of that, and it's truly gut-ripping. Because as perfect as Jacob is for her, she holds on to an ideal, the ultimate fiery love that she has for Edward even though it's not comfortable, it's not practical and it's not a good idea. So it's really a very strong thing to do. It takes someone who really trusts themselves.
So basically the movie starts out and everything's great, and then it gets absolutely terrible, and then it gets maybe OK again, and then it's" no, no, no, no - life is hard." It's going to get hard again because he comes back again.
Is she introverted or just seeking an ideal?
It's not that she's incredibly introverted. She's just yet to have found a connection that is truthful. She's a seeker of the truth. She's not one to get wrapped up in something that is a fantasy. She doesn't set herself up for disappointment. So that's what makes the story with her and Edward so compelling, in that this is a girl that normally wouldn't do something this crazy.
So what does Kristen prefer, the werewolf or the vampire?
Kristen shouldn't open her mouth (Laughs). Kristen is entirely torn. Kristen should stop using her name in the third person.
You were virtually unknown when you shot Twilight. How has your life changed since its phenomenal success?
My life hasn't changed. Most circumstances I find myself in are different than they were a year ago, but I myself haven't changed...however a normal 18-year-old girl would change in a year. But it makes things so much easier. I would do it for free every day [even] if nobody saw it. I cannot describe how good it feels to actually have something that is truly into your heart and soul actually affecting people. And that's amazing. So that's the biggest change.
Ni kan läsa hela intervjun här.
Tycker verkligen alla borde läsa den här artikeln. Man får lära känna Kristen mer och får reda på mer om New Moon i ett lite mer invecklat sätt, och vad som egentligen pågår under Bellas hjärna under boken/filmen.
Twilight på Hebereiska
men ikväll är jag här och tänkte uppdatera som tusan! :)
tänkte börja med och berätta att första boken i Twilightserien, Twilight finns numera på Hebrerieska!
Japp ni hörde rätt! Ganska så stor nyhet, va?
Att boken finns översatt på många språk är ingen nyhet. men vem visste att just det här språket skulle finnas?
Tyvär har de ändrat framsidan :( ganska så synd eftersom jag älskar verkligen Twilight's framsida, plus att boken är nog inte lika igenkänd utan den "klassiska äpple i händerna" omslaget. Men allt kan ju inte vara perfekt.. och om det var jag skulle jag bara vara glad och få boken!

Dagens Bild: 11 juni

Kristen Stewart
Vem är den hetaste vampyren?

Så se till att rösta på Rob nu! Klicka här.
Dagens bild: 10 Juni

Ashley Greene
Kristen som Joan Jett.
Som ni alla vet så kommer ju Kristen Stewart och Dakota Fanning snart börja spela in "The Runaways" som handlar om rockbandet som slog igenom på 70-talet. Kristen spelar Joan Jett och Dakota spelar hennes väninna Cherie Currie. Så för att passa in i rollen har nu kristen klippt håret mycket kortare och färgat det svart. Här nedan följer en bild på det riktiga bandet (Joan längst till vänster och Cherie längst ner till höger.)och eftersom vi inte vill lägga upp paparazzi bilder på sidan, kan ni klicka här för att se kristens nya frisyr.
Nyheter i korthet: 9 Juni
Ska skriva ett snabbt inlägg nu :) har lite bråttom så jag skriver allt ganska kortfattat!
ET! ska ha ett nytt repotage om bakom kulliserna av NM (som de hade för ett tag sen, men med längre intervjuer och mer scener.)
Kristen har en ny frisyr! Tror att det är pg.a hennes nya film The Runaways som hon spelar in med Dakota Fanning, som hon också sågs ute med på samma dag..
Robert blev också #1 på Popsugars 100 2009, Kristen var dock nere på #44.
skriver kanske lite mer senare!
Taylor och Rachelle på MVA

För att läsa mer, gå in på MuchMusics hemsida.
Hur Robsessed är du?
OK, you lose it a little when people mention his name (and get a little surly towards your Team Jacob friends). But for the most part, you can keep it together. However, the closer it gets to New Moon, the more you start to fidget with Rob anticipation!
klicka här för att göra testet!
Dagens bild: 9 juni
Dagens bild får HELA Twilight-gänget pryda. En härlig bild där alla är samlade =)
Peter Facinelli hos Ryan Seacrest (Radio)
- Sofia
Vad pågår egentligen mellan Taylor och Selena?
Hittade en artikel om Selena Gomez (Taylor's så kallade "flickvän") där de frågar om hennes relation med Taylor.
Selena sa, "He's one of my good friends. I'm single. Definitely single."
Selena erkänner däremot om att hon som alla andra tycker att Robert Pattinson är snygg.
När de frågade vad hon tyckte om Twilight, så svarade hon, "It was good. It was really good. I really liked it. I can totally see the Robert Pattinson thing now. That's for sure."
Är det bara jag eller känns det lite som att Selena är lite "sur" pg.a hela historian om att Taylor brydde sig mer om karriären än henne. ni kan läsa det inlägget här. ..och därav nämnde att hon tyckte att just Taylors kollega (som han ständigt blir jämförd med btw..) var snygg?
...Eller så tycker hon bara kanske att han rent av är snygg som nästan alla andra kvinnor i världen?
Vad tycker ni om allt det här som hänt?
Dagens Bild: 8 Juni 09
Själv så älskar jag den här bilden, tycker verkligen den reflekterar Rob & Kristens relation.
Plus att jag verkligen älskar också roberts leénde i slutet! :D

Cam är tillbaka som vampyr
Excited? Kommentera gärna!

Bilder från MMA
Everglow har bilder på Rob och några fler som togs backstage på MTV movie awards. Här nedan följer några.
Klicka här för att se resten.
- Sofia
En helt vanlig dag med Rob...
Den här videon är från inspelningen av Harry Potter och den flammande bägaren. Luta er tillbaka och se på när Rob guidar oss igenom inspelningen ;) En extremt rolig video som visar hur mycket han bjuder på sig själv.
Verkade han inte mer glad då än nu? =/ Skriv gärna en kommentar!
- Sofia
Jackson i Criminal Minds ikväll!
00.20 på Kanal5 börjar den. Och för er som kan, se den gärna!
Jag gjorde det själv i torsdags och satt som fastklistrad. Jackson är verkligen jätteduktig på att spela.
Särskillt en sån svår roll som han spelar i detta avsnitt.
Själv kommer jag sitta och kolla på avsnittet igen. Inte nog med att serien är en av mina favoriter. Utan en av mina favorit skådisar ska gästspela!

Kristen bäst klädd!
Här är en bild från MMA som visar upp hennes extremt snygga rockstil ;) Klänningen är från Yigal Azrouël.

- Sofia
Rob som Jeff Buckley?
Det står mellan Rob och James Franco. Och så klart tror vi ju att Robert kan nog sjunga liite bättre än James, tror ni inte? ;)
Tror iallafall inte någon skulle klaga för att kunna lägga till ännu en Robert låt i sina musikbibliotek och dessutom nån timme till och stirra på vår pojke!
Vad tycker ni? vem borde få rollen?
Lägger in ett klipp på låten också.

Bild från
James är ju mer lik Jeff än Robert, men Roberts röst är oslagbar!

James Franco
Grattis Robert!
Robert är ett mansnamn med forntyskt ursprung; Hrodebert som är sammansatt av orden hrode, ‘ära' och bert som betyder ‘ljus', 'strålande'.
Rob är verkligen vår ljus, minst sagt!

Holy Carlisle!
Som ni vet är den jättesnygga pappan och vampyren Peter Facinelli gift med den underbara Jennie Garth.
Tur för Jennie så har hon en liten "grej" för karaktären Carlisle I böckerna, Och då är det väll bra att hennes man spelar honom? ;)
Hon ber tydligen ofta honom klä upp sig till Carlisle och gå in i rollen... som förspel i sängen!
I en intervju har t.o.m Peter erkännt : "She has me dress up like all the time. She says, 'Put the doctor's coat on!' I'm like, 'Again?'"
Busigt värre vår vampyr-gud!
Dom är iallafall sjukt snygga tillsammans!
Bellas hus behöver livvakter

- Sofia
Dagens bild! 7 juni
Det är ju alltid lika härligt att se vår kära Robert skratta, eller hur? =) det sägs ju att ett gott skratt förlänger livet, så Rob lär ju leva ett ganska bra tag till ;D
- Sofia
Måste se!
Visst får man rysningar? ;D
- Sofia
Fanevent i Tyskland!
Ashley var lika snygg som vanligt, annars var Charlie Bewley (Demetri) och Daniel Cudmore (Felix) där också!
Vart var Rachelle, undrar vi?

Klicka här för resten av bilderna.
KStew tar emot direktioner

- Sofia
Man hör nästan glädjetjuten
Ni vet den GRYMMA kroppen Edward har i New Moon bilderna från italien vi sett?
confirmation, alla ni som tvivlade: tolvpacket är äkta!
I en artikel sa Kellan att han alltid varit den mest "biffiga" castmembern. Men i år så kommer först Taylor med ett sexpack. och sen kommer sist men inte minst Rob med sin nya ripped kropp och grymma tolvpack! (och yep, vi räknade..)
Om jag ska vara ärlig så trodde jag först att dom var påritade. Men det här funkar baaara bra för mig också! ;)
Tur för Cam att han inte är med i filmen numera ;) skulle inte längre ha den snyggaste magenisåfall!
Om det går som vi vill, så..
..kommer Rob & Kristens barn se ut såhär! :D
isåfall så hoppas vi verkligen inte de får ett kärleksbarn, right? ;)
Nej men alla vet ju att om Robert och Kristen någonsin skulle få ett barn skulle nog bebisen vara den sötaste ungen i världen!
Följ min blogg med bloglovin
Stackars Rob!
Som ni alla självklart vet så är vår kära Rob en av de hetaste kändisarna i hollywood just nu. men kändisskapet har sina baksidor. Peter Facinelli har sagt i en intervju att Rob har blivit "paranoid". Att varje gång han går ut så gömmer han sig bakom bilar och duckar för att inte bli upptäckt =(
Killen kan inte ens gå till starbucks!
- Sofia
Taylor & Selena, real or not?
Laineygossip har nu en artikel som berättar väldigt detaljerat. Det skulle kunna vara sant. men vad vet man nu förtiden?
Hon skriver iallafall att tydligen skulle Taylor och Selena träffats sista dagen då Taylor var i Vancouver, men Taylor hade inte ringt eller smsat medans Selena väntade på honom hela dagen.
Med all press från studion och familjen, som bett honom att fokusera på sin kärriär och inte ses ute med flickor. Bad de Taylor att ta det lungt, vilket han gjorde.
När han kom tillbaka till L.A skulle de ha talats en gång, och sen var det slut. Selena uppförde sig väldigt moget skriver Lainey. Men efter att den "storyn" kommit ut så såg inte Taylor's Image bra ut.
De skyllde allt på Selena och att det var hon som förstört hans rykte och bad "Selenas folk" fixa det.
Och därför, ladies and gentleman såg man Taylor och Selena ute och äta Frozen yougurt. Med paparazzin i bakfoten!
Vanligtvis skulle jag inte tro på en artikel som det här, för jag kan bara inte se det i Taylor.
Men för några dagar sen Twittrade Selena:
"A man that does not think for himself does not think at all"
och på paparazzibilderna som togs såg T&S inte ut som deras vanliga fnittriga själv.

Stödjer vanligtvis inte Paparazzi bilder, men jag var tvungen och demonstrera.
Fler bilder finns här
Hoppas verkligen att det här bara är ännu en dålig historia som verkligen inte är sann. För hur gulliga såg dom inte ut tillsammans?
Och så ännu flera outtakes!

i dazzle you har ännu mer ögongodis. klicka här för att se resten ;D
- Sofia
Behind the scenes
Nu så har vi hittat en behind the scenes klipp som visar hur det såg ut när de här snygga bilderna togs!
Eclipse trailer (fanmade)
- Sofia
Muse live @Hovet
det är ett tag kvar, men biljetterna går åt fort som *****!
Själv är Muse min favoritgrupp, hands down. så jag var nog en av de första om köpte biljetter!
Muse hade ju en låt på Twilight Soundtracket, nämligen Supermassive black hole, den underbara låten som spelades under baseball scenen ;) Och tydligen på något konstigt sätt har deras låt ''Time i running out" förknippats med Twilight.
Så passa på nu alla Twi-hards!
Ps! Muse nämns flera gånger i slutet av böckerna, och är nämligen Stephenie Meyers Favortiband ;)

Nysläppta Instyle outtakes
Måste säga att jag ÄLSKAR bilderna då alla är tillsammans. Älskar kläderna och dekorationen. och alla verkar så himla glada, och vi älskar ju att se våra favoritskådisar glada! :)
(klicka för större bild)

Hur cool är inte Roberts hatt på ena bilden? måste säga en gång till hur mycket jag älskar den här photoshooten. kläderna är hur snygga som helst!
Det är ju en stor watermark på bilderna. Men hellre de än inget, eller hur? ;)
Twilight i alla tillfällen
som ni kanske inte vet är jag (Anna) väldigt sjuk! vet inte riktigt vad det är, men chansar på förkyldning eller något liknande!
iallafall så har jag legat i sängen hela dagen, och mått väldigt illa. Går upp och ner menmen.. Hade ju iförsig med mig det perfekta botemedlet. Självklart snackar jag ju om vår favorit film, Twilight! :)
Gjorde min dag väldigt mycket bättre.
Lovar att jag kommer se den minst 1 gång till innan jag somnar, haha.
Avslutar med en av mina favorit bilder och favorit scen!

Ha en fortsatt bra helg!
Kram, -Anna.
Rolig & Sann fan-made Serie

Hur rolig som helst, right? :D
Rachelle Lefévre's i en ny photoshoot
Men nu har hon gjort en photoshoot för SPEC magazine och vi har nya outtakes för er!
Måste bara säga att hennes hår är too die for! älskar färgen, modellen, lockarna!
Here they are, enjoy!
(klicka på dom för större bild.)

Visst är hon hur snygg som helst?
Twilight fan-event
Den 6 juni (idag) kommer det vara ett event för alla fans i Berlin, Tyskland. De skådespelare som kommer att vara med är: Ashley Greene, Rachelle Lefevre, Charlie Bewley (Demetri) och Daniel Cudmore (Felix)
Tråkigt dock att de aldrig kommer till Sverige, men man vet aldrig, så ge inte upp hoppet, twi-hards!
Teen Magazine outtakes!
Lion & Lamb Love har några underbara outtakes på Rob och Kristen från teen magazine photoshoot. Det finns även några på resten av skådespelarna.
Har lagt upp tre bilder på Rob och Kristen här nedanför!
Gå in på Lion & Lamb för att se resten.
- Sofia
Första dagens bild! 6 juni

- Sofia
Alternativa "Spidermonkey" dialoger!
Tydligen skulle Catherine kommit på kvällen innan scenen att dom var tvunga och ha något och säga innan dom klättrar i trädet, så hon bestämde sig och skriva några fraser.
Dagen efter gav hon de till Rob och bad honom välja en han tyckte passade bäst!
Då Rob valde den som nu är nog allas favoritfras "Hold on tight, Spidermonkey!" *charmigt leénde*
Om ni undrar vad de andra valen var så ska ni ju såklart få veta det!
Option #1
Edward: You're not scared of heights, are you?
Bella: Not that I know of ...
Option #2
Edward: Hold on tight ...
Bella: Don't Worry
Option #3
Edward: Wrap your legs around me like a spidermonkey.
Bella: Done.
Option #4
Edward: Got a good grip? Don't let go.
Bella: Not a chance of that , Buddy.
Option #5
Edward: Prepare for lift off ...
Rob valde ju som ni ser, Option #3. Tack och lov säger jag!
Visst, vissa av de andra valen skulle också funkat väldigt bra. Och vissa verkligen inte. Och som ni ser så "kortade" ju Robert ner den lite, som jag också tycker är väldigt bra. Det skulle bara vart konstigt om de skulle hänga i trädet och ha en lång dialog!

Vad tycker ni? vilken är er favorti?
Kommentera gärna!
- Anna
Cam Gigandet i ny film!
Trailern ser ni här nedanför!
- Sofia
Ashley Greene på öppningen av Madame Royale
Älskar hennes lite ovanliga men väldigt speciella halsband! Lovar att den här tjejen skulle få en sopsäck och se snygg ut ;)

Fler bilder finns på Lion and Lambs bildgalleri.
Peter Facinelli hos Chelsea lately
- Sofia
Lena Olin i "Remember me"

P.S. Kanske kan Olin övertala Rob att komma hit till Sverige? ;)
- Sofia
Från runway till Mtv Movie awards!
Många undrar varför Kristen inte hade högklackat, och om hon struntade att klä upp sig för galan. Men så är det verkligen inte våra kära läsare!
Stackarn Kristen hade skadat sin vrist, och på så sätt inte kunnat ha något högklackat om hon inte ville gå runt och halta hela kvällen!

- Anna