New book covers for Nm!

There are two new book covers coming this fall to bookstands! Instead of the usual black with the red tulip on it. It will be This one. It's kind of like the NM Poster, but with some small differences. This one will be relased 27 october.

The second one is of Bella and Jacob, with Edward watching in the back (he looks scary, doesn't he? :O). This one will be released 15 September as a bit more exlusive shot. It also includes a fold-out poster!

We hope this reaches Sweden. If it does, will you buy it? And wich one?
I Know I'm duying to have this in my hands! I think I'll buy the Jacob one (I'm aaall team Edward. But this one seems more special..)

Postat av: DDINA -

Fin blogg!

Åh jag älskar Twilight, och jag tror 2an kommer bli så mycket bättre!

Kommentera blogg <3

2009-06-27 @ 15:22:45
Postat av: jenny

tack så mycket :)

så grym site ni har fixat, jag är ett stort twilight fan ;)

2009-06-27 @ 19:01:13
Postat av: Fiiisa

Längtar tills filmen kommer, Ska boka biljetter så fort den kommer på bio (:

2009-06-28 @ 23:17:26

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