Ash hooking up with Chase Crawford????
sure looks like it!
I wouldn't normally even think twice when i read gossip aboud the cast. But this time they have evidence!!
...and not the could easly-be-someting-else-innocent kind, real freakin' proof!
Laineygossip writes:
Ashley Greene is heading back to Vancouver. Before leaving this morning she said goodbye to Chace Crawford. With her lips. See?
Ashley and Chace were both at the Teen Choice Awards last night. Wonder if they slept or if he kept her up asking a million questions about Robert Pattinson's favourite colours.
Ashley was last linked to Adrien Grenier - smart to get rid of him with all his Ebola history. Before that Ashley was also getting down with Ian Somerhalder from Lost and now The Vampire Diaries for an evening in Vancouver.
Twilight has its very own Manslinger. Good. She's in control, she calls the shots, she walks when she wants to. Love it.
And now for the pictureeees...
our dear ash sure knows hot to pick'em :D
great catch, bb!
they'll make the CUTEST couple, don't ya think?
Ashley at Julie & Julia screening


Ashley's interview with E's Daily 10
Saturday night Magazine photoshoot with Ashley

The photoshoot will also be shown on ET at 7.30 pm wich means that it'll be in the middle of the night here in Sweden. But as always, we'll keep you updated as much as we can :)
See the rest of the pictures here

Ashley on 'It's on with Alexa Chung'

Loves the outfit!

Goooorgeous Ashley!

Find more pictures over at Lion & Lamb Love

New examiner interview with Ashley Greene!
While Ashley Greene is mostly known for her amazing acting skills, she is also one of the most beautiful actresses of this generation. In fact, Ashley is up for the 2009 Teen Choice Fresh Face Female award! In this exclusive interview, Ashley shares her beauty tips, the reason behind her haircut, and her crush!
Gabrielle: What is your daily beauty regimen?
Ashley: I started using BORBA products... they're amazing and leave my face glowing. My daily regimen usually consists of the BORBA: Age Defying Micro Diamond Cleanser, Elastin Fiber Concentrate, HD Illuminating light effects serum, Orbital Eye Rejuvenator and the Age Defying Advanced Recovery Cream. To get eye makeup off, I use the Lancome remover. I also use the MAC wipes to get all the makeup off before my regimen. And of course sunscreen...usually Kiehl's or Dermalogica. Dermalogica also has a really great "special clearing booster" for spot treatment on blemishes.
Is your regimen any different when you're filming?
It's a little more involved on set with hot towel treatments and Demalogica pre-cleanse to get all that white makeup off. We use a lot Dermalogica products...I love the Microfoliant!
Do you like to wear makeup when not filming, or do you prefer to go natural?
I don't really wear foundation...I prefer tinted moisturizer if anything. Usually after the Borba process I don't need it - my skin is in pretty healthy shape. It's usually Mascara, concealer and lip gloss.
You recently cut your hair (and it looks great!). Was it for your role as "Alice", or something you wanted to do for yourself? Do you prefer it shorter or longer?
Thanks! I cut it to make my hair fit under the Alice wig properly. I didn't have to go quite so short but I figured it's the only time I would EVER do it. I'm a long hair girl... I've had long hair my whole life. It's cute short, but I'll grow it back out.
In your opinion, what makes someone beautiful?
I think a lot of what makes someone beautiful is how a person presents themselves. I was talking to someone the other day about how I find French woman so beautiful... it's something they possess inherently. I feel like when someone has a zest for life they come off vibrant and beautiful.

BORBA (all of which I mentioned) and Dermalogica. I love Matrix sleek products for my hair - they work very well for me. Rose bud lip gloss is the best. YSL has a great illuminating concealer. Shiseido you can't go wrong with either... their tinted moisturizer is great. I also just found this amazing line in Europe called "Becca;" their stuff is amazing... I have to stock up when I go back because it isn't sold in the US!
Who is your beauty icon?
Audrey Hepburn is classically beautiful.
Did you always want to get into acting? If you weren't acting what would you want to be doing?
I caught the acting bug when I was about 15. I was interested in a lot of things growing up... Law, Sociology, and Psychology mainly. I always loved doing make-up as well.
You hosted the DonateMyDress prom-dress drive, which looked like an amazing event! How was that experience?
It was amazing. Nothing can top that feeling of helping someone else out and seeing their joy. To see first-hand how you can give so much to someone by doing so little is incredible.
Do you ever have mornings where you wake up and just don't feel beautiful? If so, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
Um, yeah, all the time! No one is perfect, everyone has their insecurities. The gym helps a bit :) Usually getting out in the fresh air helps you focus on everything around you and not so much on yourself.
When you're not portraying a character, what are your everyday outfits? Are you more of a casual, sweatpants, jeans and t-shirt girl, or do you like to dress up?
I LOVE dressing up on red carpets but in everyday life I am a very Florida-casual, jeans, tee's and flipflops girl. I have so many sweats I don't know where to put them all... I love them!
What is playing on your ipod right now?
Jason Mraz and Kings of Leon. Oh and always Lady GaGa at the gym!
What is something about you that someone would never guess just from meeting you?
I'm a romantic...but only when I find the right person. Otherwise, I'm like a dude in a relationship.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years (if you're even thinking that far down the line)?
I don't. I can't. I've got so much going on right now... my life is kind of a whirlwind at the moment.
What were you like in high school?
I was just ready to get out.....I like learning, but I get bored easily. I was very social, very involved very independent. I had a lot going on.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Hmmm......Love everyone from Kings of Leon....I've got a crush on the band as a whole. I maaaay have a crush on LiL Wayne and I'm pretty sure I've got a crush on Jackson Rathbone too.
Lip Gloss or Lip Stain?
Gloss... and Chapstick.
Heels or Flats?
Depends.... Almost ALWAYS flat during the day.
I love how she's so open about her crush on Jackson.. I think they both have feelings for each other, but as always.. their work come in their way..

New-Old Ashley Photoshoot
Lion&Lamb has five New pictures of a Old photoshoot with beautiful Ashley Greene. Enjoy!
(Click on the pic to enlarge.)
Soo pretty! Isn't she? :)
Ashley Greene gorgeous outtakes!
here are the outtakes of Ashley from the Nylon photoshoot. That girl is so darn pretty!! :)
Click for larger picture :)
She'll take you to the candy shop.
Maybe she was sending it to Rob for the "almost accident"? heehe, you can always dream..

Ashley and Marlow

Beautiful Ashley!
Ashley Greene attended the Lakers Victory Celebration. And she looked absolutely gorgeous! As always ;) Love the shoes :)
You can see all of the pictures over at Twilight Online NL.
Ashley's advice to Rob
Good advice!

Ashley and Adrian, true or not?
These gossip tabloids are just begging for one of the cast members to be seen with a random person so that they can start some crazy ass rumor..
I think I'll wait until i see something more then a picture of two pepole sitting next to each other..
But for the rest of you, here's a video i from E! news that i found!
Ashley Greene intervju
P.S. Om ni inte vet det än, så har Emma Watson ALDRIG hävdat att Rob och Kris skulle vara ett par. Hela den storyn var påhittad.
Ashley Greene doesn't bite (yet)
Båda är jättebra och jag tycker verkligen att bilderna på Ashley är grymt snygga!
On the Twilight cast: "We get along really well," she says of her co-stars, who are all confirmed through at least a third movie. "And thank God! Can you imagine going back over and over if we didn't?"
On Rob Pattinson's fame: "Oh God. Poor Rob is already a Beatle. His whole life is documented. If he picks his nose, it's all over the Internet. He's just done for. I think he's kinda freakin' out, like, 'What the fuck is going on?'"
Resten finns Här.

Jätte vacker, eller hur?
Ashley Greene på öppningen av Madame Royale
Älskar hennes lite ovanliga men väldigt speciella halsband! Lovar att den här tjejen skulle få en sopsäck och se snygg ut ;)

Fler bilder finns på Lion and Lambs bildgalleri.