Taylor i Metronews

Taylor Lautner har gjort en ny intervju med MetroNews (samma tidning som hade intervjuen med Ashley jag skrev om lite tidigare...)
Han pratar om filmningen av New Moon och såklart lite om hans personliga liv.
Älskar intervjuer med Taylor, han bjuder på sig själv utan att säga saker som är för personliga och kan bli uttnyttade.

Q. How is it back on set?
A. It's good. I'm really excited to be back with the whole team again and our new director, Chris Weitz. It's been a lot of fun so far and the movie's looking great, so I couldn't ask for more.

Q. And you have a huge role this time...

A. It's a little bit bigger, yeah! It's exciting because I'm excited to bring alive the new Jacob Black for the fans.

Q. You look like an '80s rock star with your long hair!

A. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't recognize myself. It's an actual wig. It's glued to my head in the front and it gets itchy sometimes. You can see the lace if you look close, but it doesn't come across on camera. It gives me a totally different look. I don't even look like myself. But it's fun.

Q. The biggest change is in your body though. You gained 30 pounds of muscle for this role, is that right?
A. I did, yeah. When I was filming Twilight, I knew where my character was going in the rest of the series, so obviously I knew I had some work ahead of me! So as soon as I stopped filming Twilight, I got back home, hit the gym and worked very, very hard, and here I am filming New Moon, 30 pounds heavier.

Q. And doing your own stunts.

A. So far. Let's not jinx it, but basically you get an evaluation at the beginning of filming. They took me to a gymnasium to see what I could do. They put me on some dirt bikes to see how well I can do. I think they're just figuring out how much they're actually going to allow me to do. So far, I've been able to do everything, so I'm hoping that doesn't change too much, 'cause the stunts are a lot of fun.

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