New Twilight and New Moon pictures.
Twilight graphic novel pics
A new shot of the Twilight graphic novel has been released. Check it out!
Is it just me, or does the "Jacob" character look more edwardly than the "edward"?
I mean, if I had to imagine edward (without pattinson) it would look closer to the jacob, than the "edward"
haha, does that make any scense?
..and bella looks beautiful.
The second image of Twilight-comic!
Everyone wants to be Edward Cullen.
He posted this twitpic a little earlier. haha. the hair looks awesome!

Twilight as a comic book
Hopefully we will see a comic book of twilight in the store anytime soon :) so what do you think? will twilight be good as a comic book? I don't really like the looks of Bella and Edward in this picture, but I guess that's just because I have Kristen an Rob stuck in my head ;P
Korean covers

I think they're very pretty, but I just looooove the original covers so much!

Twilight Comics

Twilight on So you think you can dance
Two contestens chose the song Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation. And you can clearly see that the whole dance was Twilight-inspired..
..And omg. It is so beautiful! You can really feel the mood. wow..
Forks Summer school
beat for MTV, I was extremely honored to be asked to
attend Summer School in Forks: A "Twilight" Symposium,
a real-life fan event that allowed Twilighters to attend classes,
go to a prom and enjoy field trips around the real-life town that
Meyer immortalized by making it home to her beloved characters.

Twilight game released: Scene it?
You can buy the game here ;)
Want vampirevenom in your purse?
it's like lipgloss but has "blood" in the bottom wich blends with the "venom" when it's shaken..
Sound..frankly a little creepy but still interesting.. to me, ofc.
Be transformed. Let the alchemy transcend.
This special limited edition Lip Venom is a sneak preview of our highly anticipated Twilight Venom, debuting this Fall. Lip Venom V is not your typical DuWop venom. Instead of a gloss, Lip Venom V is a shimmering crimson lip stain
suspended in a venom-laced liquid lip conditioner with a bite, and contains argan, avocado, olive oils and vitamin E.
This product should be shaken before use to represent the blending of the human and vampire worlds and applied repeatedly until lips are plumped, revitalized and the desired intensity of color has been reached.
Only a limited number of Lip Venom V have been produced. Vampires may live forever, but this offer won't.
The Lip venom has a current retail price of $16.99, but you can get an exclusive US weekly discount code for a special price
Unfortinanly it's only avilable to buy in the U.S.
Sucks to live in Sweden right now..
But you lucky US' readers should run off an buy it.. I know i would (just for the ownership of a limited Twilight thing.)

Southpark goes Twilight

Edward and Bella barbie
I actually perfer these ones. I think they're more realistic looking an the others.
...And I like Edwards sparkles.

Twilight parody

Today we say happy birthday to no other than Edward Cullen himself! He was born on june 20th 1901, which makes him 108 years old today ;)
Totally random
This clip is really funny. Twilight scenes with different voices and sounds. Enjoy!
Twilight quiz
This is super cute!
I found this vid over at lion & lamb, and thought it was sooo cute!
So it's about a 4 year old girl who is explaining Twilight.
Twilight is taking over even in the baby-world!
Mouthwatering på engelska!
Sofia och jag har länge tänkt på att skriva bloggen på engelska. Dvs. att våra inlägg kommer vara på engelska. Det tycker vi är bra eftersom att de flesta svenskar kan ju engelska. och dessutom så kan våra Engelska läsare också följa bloggen!
Det här tänkte vi testa ett tag nu. Så nu framöver kommer våra inlägg skrivas på engelska. Om vi håller det så är fortfarande osäkert. Beror på hur det går et.c.
Hoppas ni tycker det är bra!
Rob's stuntman Paul
Hittade en jätte intressant video där man får se när Rob's stuntman Paul (han som Rob ger cred till på MMA när han vinner bästa fight med Cam) kommer in.
Jag tyckte iallafall att den här videon var väldigt rolig och kolla på!
Har också en nygammal bild på Robert i Edward kläder tillsammans med Paul i exakt samma kläder. Tror dock nog ni redan sett den här bilden..