Rob vs. Chuck Norris. It's on!
Best. Interview. Ever.
Michael Welch did an short interview on Rob Pattinson vs. Chuck Norris. It's hilarious!!
I love how he's now the SECOND guy who says that Rob smells like heaven! (First one was Alex Meraz, but he said roses though...) And how that Rob's a pretty tough guy! He's always so humble, but you know that he probably could beat the shiz out of someone if he wanted to!
*imagining it* Wow. That sounds kinda hawt.

Michael Welch did an short interview on Rob Pattinson vs. Chuck Norris. It's hilarious!!
Who smells better?
Who has a better beard? "You gotta go Chuck Norris with the beard. Nothing beats that thing."
Who looks better in tight jeans? "That becomes a matter of taste at that point because you can't beat Walker in a tight pair of pants, but Rob... I guess I gotta go with Rob [laughs]."
Who'd win in a fight? "I have to go with Edward Cullen, although you know Walker was pretty invincible, but I don't think that Walker's fractured slow-mo could save him against Edward. In fact, in real life Rob's no slouch in the ring. He could take somebody, but Chuck, I don't quite think so."
Now, have your say in our poll and the comments section: Who'd win in a fight, Edward Cullen or Chuck Norris?
You can vote for the poll here.
I love how he's now the SECOND guy who says that Rob smells like heaven! (First one was Alex Meraz, but he said roses though...) And how that Rob's a pretty tough guy! He's always so humble, but you know that he probably could beat the shiz out of someone if he wanted to!
*imagining it* Wow. That sounds kinda hawt.
