Halfnaked Kellan and Kisses!
Do you want to see a barechested buffed up Kellan kick down a house, Kiss Ashley Greene and yell?
Then you'll want to see this exlusive Warrior clip!
Stills of Warrior!
Confessiontime guys....... I'd didn't pay much attention to warrior, as much as I did on the other castmembers non-Twilight movies, but it looks really really good. Like my kind of movie.
..And if it's possible, Ashley Greene looks more beautiful than ever!

Loves the outfit! So classy and sexy at the same time.

Christian Serratos on twitter!
When i saw that Christian Serratos has now joined twitter, I though it was about time I'd make a full list of all the castmember's official twitter. I can even now say that Rob and Kristen are NOT on twitter.. So if you're following any of them. it's fake!
Here are the castmembers official twitter, click on their names to get to their page and follow them!
And for now for the non Twilight pepole..
Entertainment Weekly outtakes
(click on the pictures for larger view.)

Beautiful, aren't they?

HOOOW can they just not realise they are perfect for each other?
I love how Rob doesn't deny him and Kristen in the begining.. It's so obvious that he did have feelings for her.. Just the way he talks about her and makes every answer like a joke so that he can say what he feels..
Look closely at their hands in the 2:35 mark!!!!! Could it be more chemistry between these pepole?!?!

Those got to hurt!
Man, look at Dakotas shoes!
Those can't be easy to walk in! And apperantly, they're not.. She took quite a fall during a walk with KStewart.
They both look pretty hot, though..

Twilight cast at Much Music
This is one of my favorite cast attendings. I think it was a good choice of castmembers, too.. You never really get to see much of Nikki and Rachelle.
(the first part is mainly them signing some autographs.. The second part is where show actually begins.)

Background actors of Twilight.
Ayanna Berkshire
Age: 32 "Twilight" role: Cora, waitress in the Carver Cafe
Claim-to-fame moment: Serving "Twilight" author Stephenie Meyer, who makes a cameo as a cafe customer
How she got the role: "We got the call that they were auditioning. I auditioned first for (Portland casting agent) Lana Veenker. My second audition was with (director) Catherine Hardwicke, who came to Portland for the auditions.
Catherine Grimme
Age: 7 "Twilight" role: Young Bella
Claim-to-fame moment: Appearing in ballet costume on video before the climactic battle between Edward and bad vamp James (Cam Gigandet)
How she got the role: "Well, I was kind of scared, because there were a lot of people auditioning, and I really wanted to get the part. I did the scene that I did in the movie, and then I did a few other things. I had to know the lines and stuff, and we had to make up some stuff. (Director Hardwicke) was really nice to me. She was awesome. My mom and dad read the books. I just had to read the sides (her lines) to see what kind of character Bella was."
Solomon Trimble
Age: 25 "Twilight" role: Sam Uley; in the film, identified mainly as Jacob Black's friend; in later books, a leader of a pack of Native American/wolf shape-shifters
Claim-to-fame moment: Ominously tells Bella that the reason Edward didn't come to a party at First Beach is because, "The Cullens don't come here."
How he got the role: "Catherine Hardwicke let me improvise, which I had cultivated doing poetry events. I remember I said something artsy-fartsy about the cold, and how you can be cold to the root of your soul. Now it sounds lame, but she said, ‘Wow, you can do this.' I didn't think they were looking at me for the role of Sam, but then they told me I got the role.
Read the whole article here.
Sexy Stars of Twilight Scans
Elizabeth Reaser for Vouge!
Click on the pic's for larger view.

Mini's First time tonight!
Here's the describtion.

Mini's First Time - TV 3 - kl: 21:00
Amerikansk komedi från 2006. En mörk komedi om en rebellisk tonåring i LA. Utan att någonsin fått uppleva kärlek från sina föräldrar och med en mamma som misshandlar henne psykiskt, lever Mini efter devisen att man bör prova allt en gång. Oavsett om det är emot alla samhällets moraliska regler.En filosofi som för henne in i tvivelaktiga kretsar inom LA: s nöjesliv. Hon sluter en pakt med sin styvfar som går ut på att få modern ut ur bilden.
I'm sooo going to watch this! How 'bout you?

Mike talks about "car accident"
Anyways.. here's the video of Michael Welch talking a little about anything and the almost accident. Enjoy! :)

Mike talks New Moon
BLAST: So how was shooting in Vancouver different from Portland?
MW: Vancouver is one of my favorite cities, not only to film in but just to be in. I've shot a few different things over there over the past 10 years. I mean, Portland is great, there's some great poetry and a great book store up there, but Vancouver, there's just something about the way the city feels... That's just the differences in the city, the differences in the films themselves, I mean, totally different. By the time "New Moon" rolled around, we tried to keep it as big a secret as we could [our locations], but it was impossible because all it took was one person to spot Rob or Taylor on the street and in 20 minutes there were hundreds of people there and there was paparazzi there and you know, it was just much more of an ordeal.
BLAST: Speaking of Portland, are you going to be at the Twilight Vampire Baseball Event?
MW: Over the July 4th weekend? Yeah yeah, it's for charity, it's a Make-A-Wish event.
BLAST: And you've done charity work before. You did environmental charity right?
MW: I won some sort of environmental award for some reason a couple years back... I guess since I drive a Prius or something. I mean a made a couple of environmental videos.
The main charity I've been with is Kids with a Cause, and we're a multi-cause charity, but the ultimate goal is to help kids in need. We started out as a local charity, visiting like, orphanages, burn centers, etc. Now we're trying to go international and help kids that need some of the basic fundamental things in life so they can pursue their own happiness. It's been very rewarding
BLAST: So there's Team Edward shirts, Team Jacob thongs, even Team Tyler's Van merchandise -- any Team Mike stuff popping up?
MW: There has been a little bit of Team Mike that I've seen. I've seen a couple t-shirts, but it was mostly my friends making fun of me [laughs]. I do get people every now and then telling me they are on Team Mike.
BLAST: If you had to pick a side, would you really be Team Mike, or choose between Edward and Jacob? Or are you contractually obligated like I'm guessing Kristen is to be ambiguous?
MW: I actually... between Edward and Team Jacob, I'm actually Team Jacob. I like Edward, but I... and I think it's more of a gender thing more than anything else. I think Jacob represents more of a practical relationship, so I'd go Jacob -- but if there is a legitimate Team Mike that emerges, I will be happy to join it.
BLAST: Bella does some crazy stuff in "New Moon." Did you do anything so daring in high school?
MW: You know, [laughs] one thing that I used to do was go into the local high school with my car with my friend in the passenger seat and do really lame donuts and stuff and every now and then I'd get into little shenanigans like that. The most dangerous thing I did as a kid was, my grandma lived in the senior center, well not a senior center, more of a neighborhood. [Laughs] This is just so lame I can't believe I'm telling you, anyway, and kids weren't allowed to walk around unattended so my cousin and I would just walk around and avoid security.
BLAST: That's pretty bad ass.
MW: Oh now that I think of it -- when I was a kid, I actually grew up in a mobile home and there was actually what I later discovered to be meth lab right across from me. My neighbor and I would play cops and bad guys and we would spy on them and follow them around and stuff because we knew they were bad, but we had no idea.
BLAST: So has that ass shaking dance [from outside of the diner in "Twilight"] always won you the girls?
MW: Oh sure, that thing has followed me around like you wouldn't believe [laughs]. No, nothing like that ever seemed to work in real life. I was similar to Mike Newton in high school - I hope I wasn't that annoying - but that was my angle: "I'm the quirky guy, love me please." But that never quite worked.
BLAST: So you said at some point they almost didn't include the movie scene in New Moon? What's that about?
MW: You know it's a tricky thing when you try and turn a book into a movie because a movie is only two hours and there's only so much you can fit in, but yeah, what they originally did was they took that moment between Jacob and Bella and put it in a different scene of the movie. Luckily Taylor and Kristen lobbied that scene for me to Chris Weitz saying it absolutely had to be in, and it's a good scene. They weren't really lobbying for me, it's just, how can you not have that scene in there? Yeah, so I was really happy to hear that, and it was great for me because I got to do Mike's best scene in the book.
BLAST: Any secrets from the "New Moon" set? Like maybe Justin Chon is really diva?
MW: Well I can tell you that Justin Chon actually has 3 nipples.
BLAST: You're definitely making that up.
MW: Yeah. [Laughs] It's funny, because that's the thing everyone's looking for, something to say, but these are pretty uncontroversial people.
BLAST: I guess that's why pictures of the cast smoking cigarettes on set became some big scandal?
MW: Yeah, that's about as scandalous as it gets.

Pics of Dakota and KStew on set of "the runaways"
Max photoshoot with Kellan and Cam
First of.. Kellan!
(click on the pics for larger version)

He looks pretty darn hot, right? :D
(click on the pics for larger version)

These ones are also really really sexy! I just don't get why he's smoking in pretty much every single shot?

The Runaways set

Some treat for you guys :)
Sorry people, but there really isn't much to update right now, so I thought I'd post four of my favorite videos :) First up is the famous "fuck" interview, followed by a video with gathered Rob Pattinson clips played to the song "womanizer". And after that you have 8 wonderful minutes to enjoy the much music interview with Rachelle and Rob. And last but not least, a "kristen and rob having fun"-video :) Hope this will compensate for the bad update. ENJOY ;D
"Richard is amazing". Yeah I know, we love Richard ;)

Dakota and the real Cherie
This time it's Dakota's turn to spend some time with one of The Runaways.
I can definantly see the potential for Dakota's transformation to become Cherie Curie
Btw.. look at Dakota's shoes! Holy Carlisle!
We don't really know what to think..
I also found this funny picture of Kristen and Dakota riding to a rehersal together..
Makes you really curious about what KStew is talking about, doesn't it?
Life&Style is really full of crap!
It's kind of funny to read these sometimes. some pepole have a very good imagination! :)
Click here to read the

Reeaally crazy
Since there's not so much to update, I thought I'd put up this really bad ass video. It's short interviews with the cast on the red carpet. This woman is nuts! I just love it ;D