Pictures from the MMVA!
You can check out the rest of them here :)
Taylor and Rachelle at the Mmva!
Back in action!
I had soo much fun but the last night we participated in some last-nightherewerefusetosleepinsteadofpartying-partying. It was awesome. But not so much at 10 o'clock. So when i got home i really couldn't even find the On button for my computer. But now I'm alert and here for all you!
what do you think? Did sofia do a good job?
I thought she made a greaty job anyways!
Interview with Marcus Foster
For those of you who don't know, Marcus Foster is one of Rob's best friends, and he co-wrote "Let me sign" with Bobby Long, which Rob sang on the twilight soundtrack. RadarOnline has an interview with Marcus where he talks a bit about his best friend:
In an exclusive interview with singer/song writer Marcus Foster opens up about his upcoming American shows, how he'd like to tour with Rob Pattinson, and more importantly jokes about his obvious love for his vampire best friend! Twilight fans know that Marcus and Bobby Long co-authored the song Let Me Sign which Rob performed on the movie soundtrack, and that Marcus is part of the Brit Pack, those scruffy haired hot British guys who make up the inner circle in RPattz's life.
The musician tells that he almost cut off his thumb on Wednesday night:
"I was just making something in the workshop and my thumb went through this machine called a band saw, and it nearly took my thumb off. I've got a sculpture show I'm working on this week; I'm making some things for that. It's ok, it's fine I didn't need stitches or anything and it will heal but it just means I'm going to have to cancel this show I'm doing on Sunday. I've got to cancel it today. I could do it, but I can't take the risk of a long term injury."
We were first concerned about blood everywhere, and Marcus bravely says:
"Yes, it was quite horrific but it's alright. It's only pain," but we were clearly concerned with Edward trying to kill him for his blood
"Yeah, well, I don't think he is a vampire," the musician sagely tells us. "That is just a movie. Although, maybe he was, that's how he got the part!"
As for being best friends with the star, Marcus gets perks that regular folks don't get.
"Rob's showed me a bit of the script, I think it's the beginning where she cuts her thumb," he says, referring to Bella's birthday scene where she cuts her finger. So we want to know, was he just reenacting that scene?
"Oh yeah, my life is just reenacting Twilight scenes. It's mad!" he jokes.
Before he kicks off his American tour, Marcus tells that he's "going to New York as well in a couple of weeks to see my friend Rob which will be nice."
He doesn't know if he'll be hanging on set with Rob, but it sounds like they're just going to lay low.
"We're just going to chill out I think, I haven't seen him for a while."
Marcus didn't know about the craziness that is Rob's life since he's been in New York so when we told him about his buddy he said:
"Really? Wow, that's so weird. Well, we'll probably just stay inside the apartment and just drink, heavily."
As for the fame that's come to the stars, Marcus hasn't seen a change in Rob.
"Whenever I see him he's the same, which is great. You know, you see people who fame changes, but it's great, Rob is still the same old guy so it's really nice. "
Well, I'm glad to hear that the fame hasn't changed Rob. I bet we all are :)
Heads up!
Since I'm going away today with my family to celebrate midsummer's eve and Anna is actually on a cruise (buhuu we hate her ;)), we won't be able to update so much today. But I'm doing it now as much as I can, and I promise to update as soon as I get home!
Have a great day everybody! :)
Top Twilight Blogs
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tack på förhand!
Teen choice awards '09
Vår älskade Twilight-cast är nominerade i 12 katergorier(!!) på Teen Choice. Tvivlar inte att det kommer vinna massa och kanske i alla kategorier. Med tanke på att de vann i MMA och där var dom emot stora filmer som Slumdog M, och dessutom så får bara folk med ålder 12-19 rösta på Teen Choice, och det är ju där fanbasen ligger! :)
Tyvär kan inte vi i Sverige rösta, men vi får hoppas att de vinner ändå!
Här är kategorierna de är nominerade i.
Movie Drama: Twilight
Movie Romance: Twilight
Movie Actor: Robert Pattinson
Movie Actress: Kristen Stewart
Movie Villan: Cam Gigandet
Movie Fresh Face Female : Ashley Greene // Nikki Reed
Movie Fresh Face Male: Taylor Lautner
Movie Liplock: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Movie Rumble: Robert Pattinson & Cam Gigandet
Album Soundtrack: Twilight OST
Male Hottie: Robert Pattinson
Taylor och Rachelle på MVA
För att läsa mer, gå in på MuchMusics hemsida.
Bilder från MMA
Everglow har bilder på Rob och några fler som togs backstage på MTV movie awards. Här nedan följer några.
Klicka här för att se resten.
- Sofia
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Muse live @Hovet
det är ett tag kvar, men biljetterna går åt fort som *****!
Själv är Muse min favoritgrupp, hands down. så jag var nog en av de första om köpte biljetter!
Muse hade ju en låt på Twilight Soundtracket, nämligen Supermassive black hole, den underbara låten som spelades under baseball scenen ;) Och tydligen på något konstigt sätt har deras låt ''Time i running out" förknippats med Twilight.
Så passa på nu alla Twi-hards!
Ps! Muse nämns flera gånger i slutet av böckerna, och är nämligen Stephenie Meyers Favortiband ;)
Twilight fan-event
Den 6 juni (idag) kommer det vara ett event för alla fans i Berlin, Tyskland. De skådespelare som kommer att vara med är: Ashley Greene, Rachelle Lefevre, Charlie Bewley (Demetri) och Daniel Cudmore (Felix)
Tråkigt dock att de aldrig kommer till Sverige, men man vet aldrig, så ge inte upp hoppet, twi-hards!