Eclipse set shots

I think they've should have put some extentions on bryce, dont you think? victoria's supposed to have long red hair ;)

Rob & Kris outtakes

New Alice picture

Kristen & Taylor outtakes.
Sorry everyone..
but I just had to post it just because.. well.. it's F-ing hot!
He looks kinda drunk (part of the hottness.) and that hair. mmmmmmh...

16 second New Moon trailer preview
kinda have goosebumps..
the backroundmusic is GREAT!!
taylor really is awesome! can't wait for the whole trailer
(any one besides me that thinks the first teaser trailer was even longer than the averege full trailer, and kinda worked more as a real trailer then just the teaser?
well... if that's the teaser, i dont know what to expect from the real one. maybe 5+ minutes?)
Kellan, Ashley and Justin talk about their doggies
PS! when did justin get so cute?

Ash hooking up with Chase Crawford????
sure looks like it!
I wouldn't normally even think twice when i read gossip aboud the cast. But this time they have evidence!!
...and not the could easly-be-someting-else-innocent kind, real freakin' proof!
Laineygossip writes:
Ashley Greene is heading back to Vancouver. Before leaving this morning she said goodbye to Chace Crawford. With her lips. See?
Ashley and Chace were both at the Teen Choice Awards last night. Wonder if they slept or if he kept her up asking a million questions about Robert Pattinson's favourite colours.
Ashley was last linked to Adrien Grenier - smart to get rid of him with all his Ebola history. Before that Ashley was also getting down with Ian Somerhalder from Lost and now The Vampire Diaries for an evening in Vancouver.
Twilight has its very own Manslinger. Good. She's in control, she calls the shots, she walks when she wants to. Love it.
And now for the pictureeees...
our dear ash sure knows hot to pick'em :D
great catch, bb!
they'll make the CUTEST couple, don't ya think?
Now I can die happy...

sometimes I wonder if he actually tries to make us sob?

"twilight Beauties" in Glamour

Ashley looks sooo pretty in this!
well, they all look beyond the legal amount of pretty-ness, but still.. *jelous*

Kiowa (embry) howles for the fans!
Wow..... is it wrong to think this is totally hot???

Reason 1,485,546 we love PFach

New Moon calendar scans!

Twilight VS New Moon. Which look do you prefer?

Best of.. Robert Pattinson
In no spec. order.....

just HAD to include this last one just because the awesome jaw-porn..
wow.. choosing pictures must have been the hardest thing. evah! too much pornnnnn..

I'm a proud mama!

Is it wrong to get a "ooowh ryry! you shouldn't have! (a)" feeling?

Picture of the day: august 1

well heeelllooo mr. ink!!
now we know where the infamous tattoo is placed.. hehhheh
Is he going comando???

Ew portrait

RPattz: Oh Kristen, I can never be with someone who doesn't have as schmexy hair as I do!
KStew: Lol, whatevs, Rob - no one can resist the way I rock this mullet - I'm a badass chick *nudge nudge* just what you need!
Ashlice: Srsly, you're looking over there - have you seen how good I look today?!
Taycob: What the hell?! Do people only heart me when my shirt's off? Why won't they see that I'm not just a beefcake *sigh*

New HQ New Moon Pictures

Click for HQ's

WOW... this movie is going to be preeeeeeh-tty!
Love the gold/brown palette of the entire movie...

Kristen confrims what we (sane pepole) already knew.

That may be one of the most awkward headlines I've ever posted but, as someone who generally abhors gossip and does not confirm, deny, nor even discuss rumors, I am actually somewhat thrilled to pass on this "official" statement from Ms. Kristen Stewart.
The Twilight uberstar has FINALLY confirmed publicly (thank you Kristen!) what many of us in the industry have privately known for a long long time...she has NOT left longtime boyfriend Michael Angarano for her co-star Rob Pattinson.
Britain's Top of the Pops magazine asked Stewart if the rumors of her alleged romance with Pattinson were true. "No. Rob and I are good friends," she said. "We went through a lot together, so we feel very close. I've acquired a good buddy and that's a big deal, but I haven't left my boyfriend for Robert Pattinson!"
If I had a dollar for every time I've rolled my eyes at the suggestion that "Robsten" existed anywhere but in a parallel universe where Twilight fangirls determine the fate of mankind I could hire my own PR people to plant whatever stories will generate the most publicity. Not that Summit would ever do such a thing. Just sayin'...
wooooow... shocker! (heavy sarcasm..)

Im in love with peter, no doubt!
TEARS were coming down my cheeks cause i was laughing SOO hard.. OMG.
I think i was an inch from falling down my bed..
PLEASE watch this if you want to have good laugh!!!
PS! I love you peter!

Do you see what I see????

WOOOOHOHO! finally! someone confirms! :D