Evidence, dear evidence!

You all know the interview where Robert says: I'd do Jessica, the cheerleader one.
When he was asked on who'd he most likely to date in forks high..
I saw it a couple a days ago again, and it made me think about that Twilight-cast party where Rob was really drunk and licked Anna Kendricks face aaall over! (I know, I know.. I wanna be Anna freaking much to..)
Anywaays.. It made me laugh a little bit.
I think Rob may have a little crush on Anna.. haha. We're worse then all the gossipmagazines!

Just so you know! Anna's 24. Two years older then Rob, so it was hardly some drunk guys using a poor girl.
And you can see she's likin' it! Ofc she is, everybody would... *Sigh*

I really hope this isn't true..

I don't belive any of the things written in the magazines, but if this is true. It freakin' sucks!

On-set sources from the hunky Brit's new film, "Remember Me," now filming in the Big Apple, reveal that the actor is hopelessly homesick for London.

"Robert is dying to get back home," says an insider. "He's so over everything. He's overwhelmed by all the girls - they terrify him! He says girls grab his neck and clothing all of the time, and he's not used to that. Fans don't do that to him in London. Everyone there is a little cooler about the fame thing, which is what he's used to."

The star's blatant unhappiness even has his "Remember Me" co-stars concerned. "He's so skinny and stressed. Everyone on set is worried about him," confesses our source.

Clearly Pattinson, who shot to fame as teenage vampire Edward Cullen in "Twilight," isn't enjoying his heartthrob status - or the female attention. "Robert doesn't understand why everyone is going so crazy over him," continues the insider.

"He's embarrassed by the way girls throw themselves at him. The girls here are stalking him. He stayed in two different hotels over the course of four days just to try to escape the fans who were following him. He's afraid that if he gives a hand, they'll take the whole arm. He's being advised by security not to encourage the crowd, so he doesn't even look up anymore."

Remember me set day 10


Oh no!

"I'm really afraid of getting hit by cars, like terrified of it. I'm terrified of crossing streets. I'm also very accident-prone...I think people aim for me." -Robert Pattinson.

OMG. I almost cried when I read this.. Now I see why he was so shocked when that cab almost hit him in NYC a few weeks ago.
I feel so sad for him!
It's not easy have your biggest fears go down because of someone who's supposed to love you.

"Some things you've got to cut off"

HAHAHAHHAHAHA. this is an VERY old interview with rob and you've all probably have seen it.
But I'll still publish it just because its so darn funny!
Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

Rob vs. Chuck Norris. It's on!

Best. Interview. Ever.
Michael Welch did an short interview on Rob Pattinson vs. Chuck Norris. It's hilarious!!

Who smells better?

"Robert Pattinson...he smells like heaven."

Who has a better beard?
"You gotta go Chuck Norris with the beard. Nothing beats that thing."

Who looks better in tight jeans?
"That becomes a matter of taste at that point because you can't beat Walker in a tight pair of pants, but Rob... I guess I gotta go with Rob [laughs]."

Who'd win in a fight?
"I have to go with Edward Cullen, although you know Walker was pretty invincible, but I don't think that Walker's fractured slow-mo could save him against Edward. In fact, in real life Rob's no slouch in the ring. He could take somebody, but Chuck, I don't quite think so."

Now, have your say in our poll and the comments section
:  Who'd win in a fight, Edward Cullen or Chuck Norris?
You can vote for the poll here.

I love how he's now the SECOND guy who says that Rob smells like heaven! (First one was Alex Meraz, but he said roses though...) And how that Rob's a pretty tough guy! He's always so humble, but you know that he probably could beat the shiz out of someone if he wanted to!

*imagining it* Wow. That sounds kinda hawt.

Filming in Central Park

Here's a video from the Remember Me set on june 30. Enjoy!

Robert + Guitar = Not good 4 Me

oh... Excuse me while I go and faint..

Rob's aunt is a true famewhore.

Sorry for the choice of words.. but she really is, according to me.
Of course we don't even know if this is true or not, it is Life&Style afterall..
But they are now saying that the same aunt who previously sended them Rob's baby pictures is now speaking again.. This time she has apperantly made a comment about Rob's lovelife..

Speaking to Life & Style, his aunt Diana Nutley said: "I don't think it would be a good idea for Robert to be in a serious relationship with Kristen.

"How can he live his life with a fellow star, with their every move being watched just like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes?"

Nutley, who is the sister of Pattinson's mother, added: "He's only 23 and probably won't get married until he's 40, if he's got any sense... I think he will eventually come back home to England and fall in love with somebody he's known since school."

Even though she's got a small point (that they'll be watching them, non that it's a bad idea..)
It's still not of her darn buissnes!
Like she said.. He's 23. I think it's about time he makes his own choices..

More Central Park pictures!

To find more pictures, click here

How adorable!

here are some pics from the Remember Me set. Looks like that little girl is having a deep conversation with RPattz :)

See more pictures over at JustJared

Remember Me filming day 6


Bruno reveals his man-crush

New Interview from Cannes

I found this newly surficed interview with Robert from Cannes.
I'ts soo good! Rob is ..as always, super charming! (I really wonder if he know how supercute and charmig he really is..)
He seems so happy! I like that.


For all you swedish readers(and foreign also), Is Robert on Aftonbladet's Klicktoppen.. He's currently under Scarlet Johansson in second place. Well.. That's going to change, right?

Click here. to vote for Robert.

Should I be happy or sad?

I saw these pictures over at twicrackaddict of Rob and Emilie... Kissing.. It's for Remember Me! ofc.. if not I would be biting some pillow right about now.
I have to admit that any picture of Rob kissing (*picturing it* aawh......) Is hot. But i also have to admit that it sucks to see him kissing sombody else.. But i can control myself a little more if it was Kristen.
How do you feel about it all?

I'm wondering what they're doing in that last picture..?
You can find more pictures at Socialite

Rob wins a panda bear for Emilie in Remember Me

This looks like a cute scene from Remember Me where Rob and Emilie are filming at a carnival :)

You can see more pictures over at JustJaredJr

More Remember Me filming

These vids just keep coming in. Here's another video of Rob on the set of Remember Me. Enjoy!


Rob with his fight make up

Ok, this is seriously creeping me out :P Looks really painfull

Rob has turned into a gangsta boy......

Here's another video from the Remember Me set day 4. You get to see a little bit when he get's arrested, and MAN, that guy is not discrete with his chewing. Not that we mind ;)


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